Brazil has everything it needs to be a key player in the decarbonization process, assesses ABSOLAR

Association understands that the global goal agreed at COP-28 offers the country a leading role on the world stage
Brasil tem tudo para ser uma peça-chave no processo de descarbonização, avalia ABSOLAR
Photo: Freepik

The diverse investments performed in solar energy already moved more than R$ 52 billion in Brazil in 2023, point out data from ABSOLAR (Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association). 

This is an amount that represents a significant portion of the total volume of contributions already made at the source over the last 11 years: approximately 30% of the R$ 172 billion raised since 2012. 

The numbers also show that, this year alone, solar energy helped prevent more than 10 million tons of CO2 were emitted into the Brazilian atmosphere, totaling more than 43 billion tons avoided since 2012. 

At the understanding of the association, these and others results presented by Brazil, only proved that the country has everything it needs to be a key player in the planet's decarbonization process. 

According to the entity, the global commitment to triple the use of renewable energy in the world and to double energy efficiency by 2030, as per document signed at COP 28, brings a great opportunity for Brazil to position itself as a leader and protagonist in this process.

“Renewable sources, especially solar photovoltaics, emerged greatly strengthened from COP 28, with a clear commitment from the governments of 119 countries to expand their use this decade,” said Rodrigo Pedroso, advisor to the entity. 

According to him, during the event, it became evident that many countries plan to be, within decades, at a level of development of renewable sources that Brazil already has today. 

“Furthermore, there was a consensus that the Amazon is one of Brazil’s greatest environmental assets and needs to transform this potential into socioeconomic development for the region and its populations”, he added. 

COP 28: Brazil and more than 100 countries promise to triple the production of clean energy by 2030

For the executive president of ABSOLAR, Rodrigo Sauaia, given the agreement signed at COP 28, it is important that the Federal Government and the Brazilian solar sector are committed and ready to accelerate Brazil's decarbonization. 

“With the combination of sustainable solar photovoltaic technologies, electrical energy storage and green hydrogen we can, in a short time, boost social, economic and environmental development, with the generation of thousands of new green jobs, bringing more income to workers and the population,” he stated. 

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Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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