Brazil exceeds 190 GW in electrical energy generation capacity

According to ANEEL, 83,44% of the country's energy generation is considered renewable
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07-03-2023-canal-solar-Brasil ultrapassa 190 GW em capacidade de geração de energia elétrica
Paranapanema hydroelectric plant. Photo: Enel Green Power/Disclosure

A ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) recorded in the first days of March that the Brazil surpassed the 190 GW mark of centralized installed capacity in the electrical matrix for use by the entire population connected to the YES (National Interconnected System).

Until this Monday (06), 23.4 thousand generating units together offered an inspected power of 190.79 GW, of which 103.2 GW (53.58% of the total) hydroelectric plants large scale, 46.15 GW (24.70%) of thermoelectric and 24.92 GW (13.12%) of wind power plants.

A total of 26 plants entered commercial operation in February, 14 of which were wind (274 MW), six thermoelectric (263.3 MW) and six solar photovoltaics (215.9 MW). According to ANEEL, 83.44% of the country's energy generation is considered renewable.

For Sandoval Feitosa, general director of ANEEL, the numbers achieved reflect the excellent scenario of expansion of generation from renewable sources that the country is experiencing.

“The addition of more than 2 GW to our matrix in the first two months of the year confirms the record forecast for generation expansion this year and demonstrates the abundant advancement of renewable energy in our country, which adds more security and confidence to our system ”, highlighted Feitosa.

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An expansion of 2.04 GW was recorded in the first two months of 2023, with a growth of 753.8 MW in the matrix in February alone. Wind generation alone accounted, until 02/28, for 1.14 GW added to generation capacity this year.

Regarding photovoltaic solar plants, they added 580 MW of matrix expansion in the same period, and thermoelectric plants had an expansion of 269.7 MW.

Thirteen states in four Brazilian regions have plants that began operating this year. Rio Grande do Norte stands out, with an expansion of 579.6 MW in the two months; Minas Gerais, with 494.0 MW; and Bahia, with 347.9 MW.

According to the Agency, if only the month of February is considered, Bahia showed the greatest growth, with a new 184.1 MW in operation, coming from wind farms.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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