Brazil exceeds 40 GW of installed capacity in solar energy

The source's operational capacity has grown more than four times in the last three years, according to ANEEL
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Brasil ultrapassa 40 GW de capacidade instalada em energia solar
Three years ago, Brazil didn't even have 10 GW of installed solar energy power. Photo: EDP/Reproduction

O Brazil has just surpassed the symbolic mark of 40 GW of installed capacity in solar energy, adding large-scale plants and own generation systems, show data recorded by ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency). 

At the moment, the national photovoltaic market totals 27.45 GW from DG (distributed generation) and others 12.57 GW through GC ventures (centralized generation). 

Us last three years, The operational capacity from the solar source grew more than four times in Brazil. According to ANEEL, in March 2021 there was not even 10 GW of installed power. 

Distributed generation

In the segment of GD solar, Brazil today has more than 2.4 million photovoltaic systems installed and that bring savings to 3.5 million UCs (consumer units). Of this total, almost 100 thousand plants were implemented in 2024 alone. 

The Agency's data also shows that of the 5,570 municipalities cataloged by IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), more than 99% of them (5,547 cities) already have at least one solar energy system installed. 

Centralized generation

In addition to the 12.57 GW in operation, the solar GC segment also counts with over 144.7 GW granted in plants not yet operational. 

Of this amount, 6.84 GW are from projects that have already started construction, while 125.2 GW comes from photovoltaic plants whose work has not yet started. 

Currently, large solar plants operate in 26 Brazilian states, in all regions of Brazil, with emphasis on Minas Gerais and almost all northeastern states. 

Investments and projections

Only in 2023, The solar energy attracted more than R$ 59.6 billion in investment for Brazil, a growth of 49% compared to 2022 numbers, according to a survey by ABSOLAR (Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association).

According to conservative projections of the entity, carried out in December last year, the source will easily surpass the 45 GW of installed capacity by the end of 2024. In the first two months of this year alone, more than 2 GW were added.

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Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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