Brazil surpasses 42 GW of installed power

Solar source operational capacity grew by around 1 GW in the last month
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Brasil ultrapassa marca de 42 GW de potência instalada
Brazil has already added more than 4 GW of solar power this year. Photo: Freepik/Reproduction

According to data from ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) Brazil surpassed the brand of 42GW of installed power of the solar source in the country. This value includes both the mini and microgeneration in DG (distributed generation) as well as in power plants large in GC (centralized generation).

A GD represents most of this amount, around 28.66 GW, almost 70% of the total value. Meanwhile, large plants are responsible for 13.48 GW of installed capacity in the country.

At the end of 2023, The ABSOLATE (Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association) predicted that the solar source would reach 45GW by the end of 2024, a value that tends to be exceeded with a certain ease.

Distributed generation

In the segment of GD solar, Brazil currently has more than 2.5 million in photovoltaic systems installed. Furthermore, this month, the country surpassed two million homes with solar energy. 

The segment currently brings savings to more than 3.6 million UCs (consumer units), with the most benefited consumption classes being residential, commercial and rural.

Centralized generation

Today, Brazil has 13.48GW of power in large plants in operation, in addition to another 129.5 GW granted to other projects.

Of this value, 6.4 GW are destined for plants that are already under construction. While another 123.1 GW are from enterprises that not yet under construction.

All 26 states in addition to the DF (Federal District) they have at least a large plant in operation right now. Minas Gerais stands out with more than 4.3 GW in the segment, around 30% of the capacity of large plants in the country.

Other states with at least 1 GW are: Bahia (2GW), Piauí (1.87 GW), Ceará (1.25 GW), Rio Grande do Norte (1.1 GW) and Pernambuco (1.09 GW) .

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Picture of Frederico Tapia
Frederico Tapia
Journalism student at UNESP on the Bauru campus. He has experience in producing journalistic articles.

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