BYD Brasil invests in the development of new technologies for the PV market

The company has been investing in R&D for the solar segment since 2017
BYD Brasil invete no desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias para o mercado FV (1)

According to estimates by ABSOLAR (Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association), it is expected that around 4.9 GW of photovoltaic power installed in Brazil will be added by the end of 2021.

Knowing this, the photovoltaic panel manufacturer BYD invested R$ 3 million in the modernization of equipment in the RD&I (Research, Development and Innovation) sector in Brazil. 

“BYD always invests in innovation and development of new technologies locally and here it would be no different. Our research will always be the largest innovation ecosystem in photovoltaic solar energy present in the country”, highlights Marcelo Taborda, commercial manager at BYD Energy.

The company acquired the latest generation of Stringer and Flash Test equipment that will be dedicated to carrying out experiments, studies and development of samples and new solar energy technologies in the semiconductor area.

The String is a piece of equipment responsible for applying electrical interconnection technologies between the photovoltaic cells of the modules. It is modern and flexible, being able to process cells of different sizes and different interconnection technologies in a laboratory environment, enabling the production of modules up to 650 W. 

The Flash Test is equipment responsible for carrying out the electrical characterization (IV curve measurement) of panels in a laboratory environment with A+A+A+ precision. It has the ability to work with a diversity of panel sizes and technologies with high accuracy. measurement.

“The world has already been investing billions of dollars in the development of semiconductors, new materials and increasingly disruptive technologies for the industries of the future”, says Adalberto Maluf, director of marketing and sustainability at BYD.

Since 2017, BYD has invested in the R&D sector in partnership with UNICAMP (State University of Campinas) and the Eldorado Research Institute through the incentive of PADIS (Support Program for the Technological Development of the Semiconductor Industry) of MCTI (Ministry of Science , Technology and Innovations).

“BYD invests resources from PADIS to carry out advanced research in the development of new technologies and solutions, increasingly expanding the silicon production chain with new materials and new solar cells in favor of technological advancement in Brazil”, explains Maluf.

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Canal Solar editorial team
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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