Chamber of Deputies may vote on PL 2703 this Wednesday (23)

The discussion of the proposal that changes Law 14,300/2022 is the 10th item on the Agenda
Canal Solar Câmara dos Deputados pode votar PL 2703 nesta quarta (23)
The discussion of the proposal is the 10th item on the Agenda

O PL 2703/2022 is on the agenda of the extraordinary deliberative session of the Chamber of Deputies scheduled for 1:55 pm this Wednesday (23). The discussion of the proposal is the 10th item of the Day order.

The proposal, authored by federal deputy Celso Russomanno (Republicans/SP), aims to extend the deadline for the entry of the new energy compensation rules defined in Law 14,300 – rules that became popularly known as “sun taxation”.

As reported by Canal Solar, on Tuesday night (22), the PL 2703/2022 began to be processed under an emergency regimeThe and appointed its rapporteur, who will be the federal deputy Beto Pereira.

What are the next steps?

If the proposal is discussed and approved this Wednesday by the Chamber of Deputies, the PL will go to the Senate, which will also discuss the topic and discuss the text in Plenary.

Also approved by the Senate, the proposal goes to presidential sanction and amends Law 14,300/2022. It is important to highlight that PL 2703/2022 may return to the Chamber of Deputies if considerable changes are made to the text previously approved by the deputies.

Another possible scenario is that the proposal is not voted on in this Wednesday's legislative session. As a result, it will be necessary for the PL to be included again on the Agenda. PL 5829/2019, for example, was included on the Agenda more than ten times before being discussed and voted on by the Chamber of Deputies.

The third scenario is that PL 2703/2022 is not approved. In this case, the proposal is archived and no changes are made to Law 14,300/2022 through this text.

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

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