Truck driver is kidnapped and has a load of panels stolen in ES

According to the Military Police, he was approached by 4 men who took him to a bush; crime occurred in the north of the state
27-09-22-canal-solar-Caminhoneiro é sequestrado e tem carga de painéis roubada no ES
Truck carrying cargo with panels is looted in Baixo Guandu (ES). Photo: Reproduction/TV Gazeta

As reported by Solar Channel, you crimes in the solar sector have been increasingly frequent in 2022. Last week, another episode involving solar panel theft It happened, this time in Espírito Santo.

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According to the Military police, one truck driver was kidnapped by four armed men in Baixo Guandu, in the north of the state, last Wednesday (21).

At around 12pm, the man was on his way to Minas Gerais when he fell ill and had to go to a hospital in the city. Hours later, when he returned to the truck, he was approached by the criminals.

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The bandits put him in a car and took the victim to a wooded area. He was held hostage until Thursday (22), when he was released and managed to get a ride to the municipal police station to file a complaint.

The police returned to the scene of the crime and found the vehicle, which was open and with the key in the ignition. However, the load of photovoltaic modules had been taken.

In a statement, the Civil Police did not say the value of the stolen merchandise. O case remains under investigation.

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Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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