Canal Solar promotes immersion in photovoltaic plant in August

The course will have three days of learning, combining theory and practice, in Campinas-SP
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Canal Solar promove imersão em usina fotovoltaica em agosto
Participants of the last guided tour that took place in May. Photo: Canal Solar/Disclosure

O Solar Channel will be carried out on the days August 5th, 7th and 8th, one theoretical-practical immersion in the photovoltaic plant complex TMW Energy, from the Royal Fic group, in Campinas (SP). The course will have three days of learning, combining theory and practice.

At the first day, participants will watch a theoretical class, broadcast live on the Zoom platform. Us following days, you knowledge acquired will be applied during a guided tour to the plant, led by professor Geraldo Silveira.

During the immersion, Professor Silveira will explain the functioning of systems, the engineering involved, the daily challenges and the solutions adopted. 

Already the practical visit will allow the participants explore several types of plants, including floating plants, tracker systems, as well as a BESS (battery storage system) and an electric vehicle charging system.

A visit will allow that participants see in practice What is each type of installation like?, the operation of each equipment, “Visitors will see various equipment that is used in photovoltaic plants. We will show everything in practice so people can know how the connections are made, how it is built and how it operates”, said Geraldo Silveira.

May Immersion Participant Experience

In May, O Solar Channel carried out a similar immersion, with participants in various regions of Brazil, such as Pará, Santa Catarina and São Paulo.

Wagner Antônio de Souza Júnior, from the company Orangesun Energia Renovável, from Blumenau-SC, stated that the experience was enriching and applicable to its business. 

“We learned about the topology of a photovoltaic plant of 4 MW, is being very interesting, too we visited one floating power plant. My experience was very positive, I will take the learning acquired during this immersion to my clients”, he pointed out.

Rafael Feijó, from the company Huawei, from São Paulo, praised the practical content. "He was very interesting to see how it all works, open the panel, understand the equipment, understand the solution. We had several applications, minigeneration, microgeneration, BESS, it was very interesting, very enriching to experience the practice”, he reported.

Dilermano Rodrigues, which came from For to participate in the practical classes, stated that the content was enriching and that he will apply the learning to his clients' businesses.

“Let’s take this all to our customers in the state of For, we are in high demand from customers with these needs, for example, storage system, hybrid complete and solar plants in GD. We came from Pará especially for the course. We are preparing an engineering study area in the company, we are going to work with renewable energy, so we are putting together a team. We will certainly bring other workers who are migrating to the engineering field to take this course”, he highlighted.


Immersion course at the solar plant in Campinas

When: August 5th, 7th and 8th

Where: TMW Energy Plant, Campinas

Information and registration: access the Canal Solar website.

Picture of Viviane Lucio
Viviane Lucio
Journalist graduated from UNIP (Universidade Paulista) and specialist in scientific journalism from Unicamp (Universidade Estadual de Campinas). He has experience in producing news, reports, photography, communications and press consultancy.

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