Cemig stops projects and causes losses to companies in the solar sector

Concessionaire justifies that “network saturation” has prevented the approval of new DG plants in Minas Gerais
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Cemig trava projetos e causa prejuízo a empresas do setor solar
Cemig alleges “network saturation” to veto approval of projects. Photo: Disclosure/Guilherme Henrique

A lack of capacity of energy injection into Campo Belo substation, in the interior of Minas Gerais, is just the tip of iceberg on one problem much larger and which already affects a large part of Minas Gerais municipalities.

In almost the entire state, several integrators they are taking requests from photovoltaic projects of your customers suspended for an indefinite period for the Cemig (Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais) under the allegation that there is “network saturation”. 

A company claims what does not have the capacity to drain energy in part of their substations is that wait for one statement from the ONS (National Electrical System Operator) to find out how to act to resolve the problem.  

In response to forwarded requests, the Cemig sends the same standard communication for integrators, simply informing that they will need to make investments in the network and leaving it open or just notifying the problem without leaving a deadline to resolve it.

With this, the projects don't get off the ground, customers are upset and many companies are closing the doors or are already beginning to record large-scale losses, as is the case with integrator Guilherme Henrique, which has already recorded losses of more than R$ 400 thousand.  

“Before we send a request to Cemig, there is a cost for the ART (Technical Responsibility Note), project engineering, documentation, power of attorney, among others. What happens is that we are doing all this so that in the end the concessionaire says that the network has reached its limit and that if we are still interested we should send a new request”, he commented. 

The integrator states, however, that even if he sends a new request, Cemig responds with the same email that had been sent to him previously. “Stay in that looping infinite”, he pointed out.

Already other professionals interviewed by the report complain about the fact that Cemig is unable to predict and solve possible network saturation problems, since the company recorded billion-dollar profits in 2022. 

“It is the concessionaire’s duty to adapt to this (network saturation). If it got into this situation, at the very least, it was a lack of planning”, highlighted Gabriel Tomé, one of the integrators interviewed. 

Hearing in the Chamber

The problems caused to photovoltaic companies in Minas Gerais led some sector associations to take action against Cemig, among them is the MSL (Free Solar Movement).

In an interview with Solar Channel, Hewerton Martins, president of the entity, said that the association has already contacted federal deputy Celso Russomanno (Republicanos/SP), who chairs the Consumer Protection Committee of the Chamber of Deputies. 

“We will send a formal complaint via letter regarding the cases of Cemig and ONS deadline suspension. He (Celso Russomanno) will call a public hearing and call all parties involved to explain and propose a solution,” said Martins.


Wanted by the news report Solar Channel, The Cemig only reported which “works to meet all connection requests for photovoltaic systems in its concession area within the deadlines and standards set out in legislation”.

The company also highlighted in its official response that “information on the volume of connections and other questions can be consulted with the regulatory body, the ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency)”. 

ANEEL informed, also through an official note, that it sent a circular letter to all distributors requesting data to analyze the behavior of each concessionaire and that the matter is being monitored by the Agency. 

Finally, also at the request of the report, O ONS released a note on his website giving his position on the matter.

“For the reasons explained above, the ONS informs that the assessment of the impact caused by the connection of MMGD in the Basic Network, Basic Border Network and in the DIT must be carried out by the Operator, within the scope of short and medium term studies, and the expansion works and reinforcements necessary to meet the expansion of load, generation and MMGD, in the distributors' concession area, must be structurally indicated in the PAR/PEL, consolidated with EPE and MME, to be authorized or auctioned by ANEEL. Therefore, the issuance of a Technical Opinion provided for in Article 75 of ANEEL Normative Resolution No. 1,000/2021 for MMGD does not apply”, states part of the note.

Click here and check out the full ONS note.

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

7 Responses

  1. I understand that the distributor (Cemig) has a duty to better explain how the alleged “saturation” happens, if I can use that expression.

  2. The lack of transparency is visible and who knows what CEMIG's real reason is for boycotting the use of renewable energy, taking Brazil back to centuries past. It's difficult to work in a country that likes to stay stuck in the past for hidden reasons. Hopelessness sets in in a country without a project and without direction.

  3. This same problem has been widespread, in almost all dealerships; Many investments will be needed in the basic network and distribution to meet what is yet to come in distributed generation.

  4. The insecurity caused in the sector by the lack of definition of what the aforementioned short and medium term would be is a shame.

    The content of the letter does not show any type of empathy with the sector's entrepreneurs, contracted employees, nor even with the customers of these companies who, in the event of a major shock in the market, could be left without assistance.

    As a formal letter issued by the National System Operator, it meets technical and legal requirements, but lacks important information for those who are being harmed.

  5. We are active in the city of Uberaba.
    This situation is also happening in Uberaba.
    We hope that Cemig can solve the problem that is affecting our state.

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