China dominates lithium battery supply chain, BNEF says

Brazil appears in the middle of the table, in 12th place, alongside Poland and Hungary, just below Australia
China domina cadeia de suprimentos de baterias de lítio, aponta BNEF

According to a survey by BNEF (BloombergNEF), China leads the lithium battery supply chain ranking in 2020. The country overtook Japan and Korea, which were the leaders in the previous decade.

According to BNEF, this result comes from the internal demand for these batteries, 72GWh, and the control of 80% of the world's raw material refining, 77% of the world's cellular capacity and 60% of the manufacturing of components.

Brazil appears in the middle of the table, in 12th place, alongside Poland and Hungary, just below Australia and loses in the Americas to the United States and Canada, which appear in 6th and 4th place, respectively. In total, 25 countries were evaluated.

Japan and Korea occupy positions 2 and 3 in the ranking, respectively. Both countries are leaders in the manufacture of batteries and components, however, according to BNEF, they do not have the same influence as China in the refining and mining of raw materials.

The institution stated that, even though Japan and Korea lose to China in controlling the raw materials supply chain, they are able to compensate for this difference with higher environmental and RII (regulation, innovation and infrastructure) scores compared to that country.

“China’s dominance in the sector was expected given the large investments and policies the country has implemented over the last decade,” said James Frith, head of energy storage at BNEF.

About the search

BNEF's lithium battery supply chain ranking analyzes a country's position in 2020 and points out its likely position in 2025, based on its current development trajectory.

The work classifies countries on five important themes related to the supply chain: raw materials, cell and component manufacturing, environment, RII and final demand (electric vehicles and stationary energy storage). The five key themes received identical weightings in the overall ranking.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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