Rains hit the Capital of São Paulo and the metropolitan region, causing a new blackout

Since Tuesday (13), the region has suffered from heavy rains that hit electricity supplies and could affect water supply in some regions
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Desde terça-feira (13), a região sofre com fortes chuvas que atingiram o fornecimento de eletricidade e pode afetar o fornecimento de água em algumas regiões
Photo: Freepik

A night in Tuesday of Carnival had a surprise at big São Pauloo, several regions from the capital paulista and metropolitan region suffered blackout, because of rains what reached The area. At Wednesday in ashes (14), several neighborhoods were still no energy.

According to Enel, the company responsible for supplying electricity, at the end of Wednesday afternoon, 96% of those affected had their power restored.

The city suffered from gusts of wind, points of flooding and falling trees, according to the Fire Department, there were 48 warnings of falling trees, 22 for flooding and eight for collapses, all incidents had no victims. Two people are missing in Suzano.

Lack of water

Part of the east zone of the capital of São Paulo and Mauá, in the metropolitan region, may be left without water, as pumping stations were affected and the water supply uses electricity for distribution.

“Treated water pumping stations, which pump water to reservoirs, were affected in both regions,” said Sabesp (Companhia de Saneamento Básico do Estado de São Paulo), in a note.

Still according to Sabesp, as soon as the energy is normalized, the water supply will be as well, but little by little. Therefore, the Company encourages the conscious use of water.

Big Sao Paulo

Several cities in the metropolitan region that recorded the highest volume of rain were Cotia with 165 mm (mm), Itapecerica da Serra with 104 mm, Carapicuíba with 101 mm and Itapevi with 100 mm. In Osasco, trees fell and a wall collapsed in the Araçá cemetery, in the capital of São Paulo.


*With information from CNN and Infomoney 


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