RS suffered R$ 1 billion in damage to the electricity grid, says minister

Alexandre Silveira stated that more than 40 high voltage equipment were damaged by the storms in the State
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Chuvas no RS causaram danos de R$ 1 bi na rede elétrica, diz ministro
Neighborhood of Canoas (RS) is flooded by heavy rains. Photo: Rafa Neddermeyer/Agência Brasil

O minister of Mines and Energy, Alexandre Silveira, stated this Wednesday (22) that the heavy rains in Rio Grande do Sul generated more than R$ 1 billion in damage to the power grid, in addition to the inconvenience to the population. 

According to the minister, more than 40 high voltage equipment were damaged by storms since the end of April. 

“We had more than R$ 1 billion in damage initially already assessed on the electricity grid. Then, I am including medium, low and high voltage because more than 40 high voltage assets were also damaged”, declared the minister.

Silveira gave the statements during interview at the Brasília Air Base (DF), before the departure of more than 50 specialists in underground electricity networks, who will go to Rio Grande do Sul to work on recovering the network.

The group joins another 1,100 agents from other units of the federation who are mobilized in the state to restore energy services.

Solar energy as a solution 

In understanding the ABSOLATE (Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association), the inclusion of batteries and other energy storage systems in capacity reserve auctions would have minimized you impacts caused in Rio Grande do Sul. 

The association charges the technology implementation in these competitions, understanding that if the country had batteries available it would be possible to use them with solar energy to restore telecommunications and the access to electricity for critical points in Rio Grande do Sul.

According to the entity, this would help to accelerate the recovery of these communities and the local economy, in addition to benefit hospitals and other complexes who need energy to offer emergency services to the population. 

ABSOLAR also highlights that it would be possible with the Photovoltaic energy storage supports more agile reconstruction processes, avoiding the activation of thermoelectric generation plants – which are more expensive, polluting and emit greenhouse gases that aggravate the risk of new natural disasters occurring in the future. 

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Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

One Response

  1. As you work, your activities, I would like to participate in the recovery work of the new RGSul in this PHOTOVOLTAIC ENERGY project, since the damage was great, and the population needs energy, to continue their lives

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