How to choose a solar energy installation company?

Hiring a service provider can cause losses if done without the necessary care
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É necessário ter bastante cuidado na hora de escolher a empresa que fará a instalação do sistema
You need to be very careful when choosing the company that will install the system.

Solar energy has been breaking records in Brazil. In 2020, while most economic sectors encountered difficulties due to the pandemic, the installation of solar panels recorded 64% of growth compared to 2019, with production of 7.5 GW and more than R$13 billion in investments, according to data from ABSOLAR ( Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association). 

For this year, the expectation among professionals in the Brazilian photovoltaic market is that the sector will surpass the barrier of R$ 22 billion in contributions.

Across the country, both large corporations and several residential consumers have opted to install photovoltaic systems in order to reduce the value of their electricity bills. 

However, despite the attractions of the solar source, which include the fact that the energy is clean and renewable, it is necessary to be very careful when choosing the company that will install the system.

Felipe Santos, sales manager at Canadian, highlights that the investment, whether for corporate or residential environments, may no longer be an excellent deal if it is made by a company that does not have credibility in the market.

For him, more than evaluating the quality of the equipment offered, it is essential that the consumer pays attention to the solidity that the entities have. “A photovoltaic system is designed to have a useful life of 25 years. In this sense, it is very important that people choose solid companies and that they have been with them all these years”, he said.

To avoid falling into traps, Santos advises interested parties to seek as much information as possible about the solar energy companies with which they are negotiating. According to him, many problems occur due to lack of responsibility on the part of contracted entities.

“It is important to know how long they have been on the market, what is the history of work already carried out and whether they have good engineering behind their projects”, he commented.

The specialist also advises consumers to read and keep the warranty terms of contracts so as not to run the risk of being caught by surprise in the future. 

If they feel aggrieved, Santos stated that the consumer should try to resolve the situation directly with the service provider. “If it is not possible to resolve the problem, the only way is to appeal and take legal action.” 

Tips when choosing a company

  • Analyze the brand’s credibility in the market;
  • Check how long you have been operating in the field;
  • Search for information about supply stock;
  • Know the number of installed projects;
  • Check whether the products offered are of quality;
  • If possible, contact someone who has already used the services;
  • Read the warranty terms of the contract and save the document;
  • Check whether the entity is associated with any institution representing the sector, such as ABSOLATE.
Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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