How to prospect customers without fear in the solar sector?

Check out details that need to be part of your preparation for successful prospecting
7 minute(s) of reading
Como prospectar clientes sem medo no setor solar?
Photo: Envato Elements

Solar energy generates savings and comfort, we in the sector are tired of knowing this. However, when prospecting customers, the high value of projects and the entire process of learning about photovoltaic energy can be a challenge, as it is necessary to have a good long-term vision to focus on the benefits.

With a long purchasing journey, you who have the mission of finding customers and selling, need to be equipped with technique, empathy and a good dose of perseverance. After all, many “no’s” may come your way.

To win the “yes” and lose the fear of actively prospecting, here are tips that will help you identify qualified customers and start this contact on the right foot. Good reading!

Focusing on who wants to buy

One of the biggest prospecting mistakes is shooting all over the place. Without an ideal customer profile, how do you know the appropriate pitch? Sales arguments are based on the customer's pain, so first of all you need to know them.

The tip here is to review the sales that have already been closed, analyzing points such as:

  • Pain that the client presented verbally;
  • Pains that you helped the client identify, even if they themselves did not realize it before;
  • Most frequent objections, and how they were overcome;
  • Points he most valued in his presentation;
  • Feedback received before, during and after the sale.

The consumer wants to solve problems, and you as a seller must be guided by the objective of helping. Put yourself in the prospect's shoes and think “What would make me stop and listen? What problem would I need help solving?”

For example, if the prospect in question has a CNPJ, you may be interested in helping the company build an image that reflects sustainable positioning. If you are an individual, an argument beyond the economy is the appreciation of the property.

Much more than an exercise in empathy, this assessment of your customer profile will help you communicate strategically, avoiding wasting presentation time with information that won't make a difference in the potential customer's life.

Networking up to date

In addition to understanding your client, it is worth taking into account that they seek the opinion of people close to them before signing new contracts. This doesn't mean you need to present your proposal to an entire company in the hope of a sale, but good networking can only add to your business.

Being active on LinkedIn, participating in solar energy groups on WhatsApp, attending events, lectures and courses in the sector are great ways to increase your circle of people interested in the topic. Online and offline complement each other, so try not to choose just one way to strengthen bonds.

Define your difference

Just as you need to narrow down your audience and understand who actually is a qualified prospect, the customer is also looking to understand what makes your company different from others. With so many installers, why would a customer choose your team?

Some create content, others invest in advertisements or partnerships. The fact is that before choosing your marketing strategy, you need to know what to communicate. What is one thing about your service that stands out among the competition?

Take advantage of the fact that the journey is long and “feed” your potential customer base with information about the sector, your products and the care your company takes to ensure the best experience.

A golden tip is to remember to communicate after-sales details, such as your maintenance service or other important information for customers who already have panels installed. This way, prospects will feel more trust in your company, knowing that they will not be “abandoned” with possible problems after the deal has already been closed between you.

Each visit is unique

You understand the market, the product, the ideal customer profile and what makes your company unique. Now, when it's time to go on visits, be careful not to get too caught up in an itinerary that doesn't allow you to personalization and a little improvisation.

Of course, it is always possible to create different persona studies, having persona A, B, C... But they are still standards, and when it comes to meeting the customer face to face, being attentive to their particularities is a skill that good salespeople have. They always seek to improve.

Therefore, exercise your ability to adapt. Personalized approaches give a great impression that you are focusing all your attention on the customer, and this will give you more space to make the sale.

Know when to stop

In this article, my motivation is to encourage and inform about actions that make a difference in prospecting. However, it is also essential to know when to move on to another.

How do you know that a sale won't happen, and that insistence will only generate wear and tear for both parties? Well, a useful and simple method is to create a flow.

An example I like is the 7 contact actions flow. According to your sales funnel, you can define a sequence of 7 contacts that combine different means, such as: Linkedin, email, call, WhatsApp, email, call and email.

There are people who try 7 forms of contact and stop if there is no engagement from the prospect. There is no right and wrong here, but my tip is focus more on content and intent of each of these attempts, and not so much in number.

For example: On LinkedIn, more than just sending a “hi” in inbox and trying to introduce your company, it’s worth remembering that the prospect’s interest is in discovering solutions and benefits of solar energy. At this point, talking directly about your company is not the most appropriate, unless that person has already shown a lot of interest in installing solar energy. Interaction can also happen in the comments of your post on the topic, which would be a more interesting “icebreaker”.

If the prospect does not show interest, despite several attempts and good content sent, you can be confident about ending the contact. Make yourself available and focus your time and energy on new prospects.

What is not sales is also contact

With a growing market, there will be no shortage of opportunities. Put the tips into practice and go without fear: every contact made with the best intentions is worth it. The good impression remains, and even if that prospect “x” is not there at the time of purchase, he can refer you to whoever is.

Therefore, put all your education and your desire to help into each prospecting, even if you have doubts about whether the person will close the sale. Prospecting also builds and reinforces your company's image, and if we're selling something as positive as solar energy, always go with your energy up!

Picture of Gustavo Tegon
Gustavo Tegon
Graduated in International Business and with an MBA in Management and Business from the Methodist University of Piracicaba. With extensive experience in distributed generation, he led manufacturers BYD, Jinko and Canadian Solar in Brazil. He is currently Institutional Director at BelEnergy.

3 Responses

  1. Good morning, I'm starting to sell solar energy, the words above are very wise, there's no point in forcing the sale, it's a long-term investment for people who work with budget planning and results in the future

  2. Prospecting in a positive and effective way will make the likelihood of sales high. As the content says, opportunities will arise, we must be technically prepared for them.

  3. I really liked prospecting and I'm thinking about getting into this type of solar energy, which is growing a lot.
    Clean and sustainable energy seems like a great deal to me.

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