Alex Complex records generation of 760 GWh during one year of operation

The photovoltaic project has already directed more than R$ 6 million in socio-environmental actions in the region
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31-10-22-canal-solar-complexo Alex registra geração de 760 GWh durante um ano de operação
Alex Complex has a capacity of 360 MWp. Photo: Reproduction

O Alex Solar Complex, located between the municipalities of Limoeiro do Norte and Tabuleiro do Norte, approximately 230 km from Fortaleza (CE), completed one year of operation and registered generation of 760 GWh in the period.

The project, which has a capacity of 360 MWp, achieved production records in the months of August and September this year, with monthly generation of 68.48 GWh and 67.80 GWh, respectively.

According to the Elera Renováveis, responsible for the project, the monthly average production is 60 GWh. In the nine solar parks that make up the complex, there are 810,000 photovoltaic modules in an area of 830 hectares.

Another point emphasized by the company is that the system contributed significantly to the social and environmental development of the region. Of the R$ 950 million invested, R$ 6 million was allocated to ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) initiatives.

Work on the Alex Complex, which avoided the emission of 1.8 million tons of CO2, began in April 2020, was completed in August 2021 and generation began in September 2020.

“It is a moment of celebration for this year of operation, but also of challenges because we have just started operating the first stage of another solar complex, the Janaúba Complex (MG), which will have a total installed capacity of 1.2 GWp”, said Fernando Mano, CEO of Elera Renováveis.

“With the Janaúba operation, the two complexes together represent around 50% of Elera’s energy matrix”, highlighted Mano.

Other highlights

During the construction phase, the Alex Complex generated 1,300 direct jobs and 2,500 indirect jobs, with around 70% of the workforce always coming from the region.

One of the main local ESG initiatives was the implementation of a Solar Energy Capture System that supplies 100% of the monthly energy consumption of the Celestina Colares Philanthropic Hospital, in Tabuleiro do Norte.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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