Complex in the hinterland of Paraíba integrates solar and wind generation

The Neoenergia project included investments of R$ 3.5 billion and extends over a leased area of 8,700 hectares
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22-03-23-canal-solar-Complexo no sertão da Paraíba integra geração solar e eólica
Neoenergia complex will avoid the emission of more than 100 thousand tons of CO2 per year. Photo: Neoenergia/Disclosure

A Neoenergia launched, this Wednesday (22), the first associated renewable energy generation complex in Brazil, according to the company. Located in the backlands of Paraíba, the development integrates solar and wind energy generation of Neoenergia Chafariz and Luzia, respectively.

You parks are connected to SIN (National Interconnected System) by the Neoenergia Santa Luzia II substation and the respective transmission line. O total investment amounts to around R$ 3.5 billion.

The energy generated by the Neoenergia Renewable Complex is 0.6 GW, enough to supply 1.3 million homes per year. The project stands out for the synergy between the assets of the wind and solar farms with the transmission line and substation. This characteristic optimizes the use of the transmission network due to the complementarity of sources.

“The project represents the integrated vision we have of our business. We believe that the promising path towards a more economical and sustainable future points to the generation of energy from renewable sources integrated through smart grids”, stated Eduardo Capelastegui, CEO of Neoenergia.

“With the complex, we reached 90% of installed capacity in clean energy. We are prepared to serve Brazilians with reliability and security, given the growing demand from the free market”, highlighted the executive, adding that the project was financed by national and international institutions.

Neoenergia Renewable Complex located in Paraíba. Photo: Neoenergia/Disclosure

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With the clean energy produced in the complex, it will be possible to avoid the emission of more than 100 thousand tons of CO2 per year. In total, the project extends over a leased area of 8,700 hectares, of which only 14% is occupied, in the municipalities of Santa Luiza, Areia de Baraúnas, São Jose de Sabugi and São Mamede, in Paraíba.

Made up of 15 wind farms and 136 wind turbines, Neoenergia Chafariz operates with an installed capacity of 471.2 MW, already in full operation since the beginning of 2022.

The two Neoenergia Luzia plants, with 228 thousand panels and an installed capacity of 149.2 MWp, mark the company's debut in centralized photovoltaic generation.

The energy generated will be destined for the ACR (Regulated Contracting Environment) and the ACL (Free Contracting Environment), in line with the positioning strategy in the liberalization of the Brazilian energy market.

“This strategy aimed to efficiently take advantage of the resources of the wind and solar complexes, valuing the complementarity of these sources with technological innovation and optimization of the use of the transmission network”, highlighted Laura Porto, executive director of Renewables at Neonergia .

Cerimônia de lançamento foi realizada no município de Santa Luzia (PB), a cerca de 300 km da capital João Pessoa. Foto: Neoenergia/Divulgação
The launch ceremony was held in the municipality of Santa Luzia (PB), approximately 300 km from the capital João Pessoa. Photo: Neoenergia/Disclosure


Connection to the grid will be guaranteed by the substation and transmission line, with a length of 345 kilometers. According to the company, the synergy allows for more efficient management of the two renewable sources, reducing costs and making better use of all their respective potential, including the transmission system.

“We are able to guarantee a reliable system with generation from renewable sources. To this end, the expansion of transmission is essential to allow the flow of this energy and thus keep up with the pace that the energy transition requires”, commented Fúlvio Machado, executive director of Networks Business at Neoenergia.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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