Quilombola communities will receive R$ 403 thousand to purchase PV panels

The appeal will be funded by the Government of Amazonas and aims to minimize the difficulties faced by the local population
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Canal Solar Comunidades quilombolas receberão R$ 403 mil para compra de painéis FV
Initiative will benefit quilombola communities in the Amazon

Quilombola communities in the municipality of Oriximiná, in the Lower Amazonas Mesoregion, will be considered with about R$ 403 thousand for acquisition of photovoltaic panels

O resource will be made available by Government of the State of Amazonas at the request of a request made by federal deputies Beto Faro (PT/PA) and Dilvanda Faro (PT/PA).

This Tuesday (21), Governor Helder Barbalho (MDB) signed the release of the amount during his work schedule.  

The initiative aims to goal provide the operation of refrigerators in communities remote and ensure the conservation of food consumed by the population, in addition to other benefits related to energy supply.

The action is part of the “Trumpets Food Security Project in Traditional Communities of Oriximiná”, which is being carried out by Seaster (Secretariat of State for Assistance, Social, Labor, Employment and Income). 

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In total, there are 22 communities remaining from the old quilombos and traditional riverside caboclos living in the project's area of influence. 

They are: Abuí, Paraná do Abuí, Tapagem, Sagrado, Mãe Cué, Juquirizinho, Curuçá, Último Quilombo, Bacabal, Aracuã do Meio, Varjão, Pancada, Araçá, Jauari, Jauari 2, Jamaru, Jarauca, Santa Rita, Tapuá, Sacuri , Xiriri Santo Antônio and Boa Vista Cuminá

Critical situation

Currently, Brazil has around one million people without any access to electricity, of which 990 thousand are in the Legal Amazon, according to estimates from the Iema (Institute of Energy and Environment).

In addition to state incentives, federal projects have also been implemented – albeit slowly – to try to minimize the difficulties experienced by families living in remote regions of the Legal Amazon.

On February 5, 2020, the Brazilian government established, for example, through the Decree No. 10,221, O More Light for the Amazon Program. The project has brought generation systems that use renewable energy, especially solar photovoltaics, to underserved communities in the region. 

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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