Road concessionaires use solar energy in toll booths

Arteris and Entrevias installed photovoltaic plants to supply squares on highways in RJ and SP
Concessionárias rodoviárias usam energia solar em pedágios

With more than 6 GW of installed power in Brazil, DG (distributed generation) of solar energy has attracted Brazilian companies from different segments. Among them, the highway concessionaires Arteris and Entrevias.

Recently, the highway concessionaire Arteris inaugurated a photovoltaic plant in the city of Campos dos Goytacazes (RJ) to supply the entire toll plazao Km 123.7, on the south lane of the BR-101 highway. F507 modules are now installed.

“The solar plant represents our commitment to the ESG concept, that is, involving the environmental, social and governance dimensions of the project, including considering the economic analysis”, stated Luiz Eduardo Ritzmann, technology superintendent at Arteris.

“Having clean energy allows us to increase our care for the environment, contributing to the use of renewable sources. We work responsibly and with a focus on generating shared value”, he added. 

“Photovoltaic solar energy has been experiencing a period of growth in recent years and, even in the current pandemic scenario, we can see how much this clean, renewable and competitive source of energy has stood out in the market”, commented Leandro Abreu, B2B director at Enel X, the company responsible for the installation.

Read too: Rally dos Sertões: solar energy and hybrid vehicles in the competition

The highway concessionaire Interviews Since 2019, it has been using solar energy to power eight toll plazas along 570 km of highways under the company's concession. 

Furthermore, the photovoltaic plant supplies four PGF (General Inspection Posts), the administrative headquarters and the CCO (Operational Control Center), located in Sertãozinho (SP). The plant has 3,700 solar panels installed on the roof of all toll units between the Marília (SP) and Ribeirão Preto (SP) section.

The modules on the highways are connected to batteries and maintain the functioning of equipment, such as speed enforcement radars, monitoring cameras (CCTV), traffic analysis systems (SATs) and Wi-Fi. The investment made by the concessionaire was approximately R$ 4.5 million. The annual savings are R$ 1 million.

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Redação do Canal Solar
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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