1 MW solar consortium in Capitão Enéas (MG) will serve 50 companies

With the inauguration of the Capitão Enéas plant, on June 4th, four other plants will be installed by Vision Energia
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Consórcio solar de 1 MW em Minas Gerais vai atender 50 empresas
The project had an investment of more than R$ 6 million and will serve companies, condominiums and industries in the region

The implementation of a 1 MW photovoltaic solar plant in the Minas Gerais city of Capitão Enéas, located 471 km from Belo Horizonte (MG), will bring savings to the electricity bills of 50 companies in the region and generate job vacancies.

The project designed by Vision Energia, specialized in the installation and management of solar plants, had an investment of more than R$ 6 million and will serve companies, condominiums and industries in the region with the service of leasing shares of energy generated by the plant.

According to Júlio Kierulff, CEO of Vision Energia, the advantages for companies are diverse. “The benefits for companies that join the solar consortium are countless. Among them, not needing to invest in their own equipment to generate energy, long-term savings and receiving continuous energy guaranteed by the concessionaire”, he stated.

According to the company, the Capitão Enéas solar plant was designed with 2,400 Canadian solar panels and 7 SMA inverters, model Sunny Highpower PEAK3 of 150-20 kW. “The choice for PEAK3 was strategically considered. Due to the size of the plant, we did a lot of research into the best inverters for the project and SMA was the best solution and the most technically advantageous”, explained Kierulff.

According to Pedro Alves, SMA Country Manager in Brazil, this is the largest project in the country to use SMA inverters. “It is a source of pride to know that our inverters equip modern and strategically designed plants to embrace sustainability and generate savings on electricity bills for hundreds of companies in Minas Gerais”, he commented.

More projects in Brazil

With the inauguration of the Capitão Enéas plant, on June 4th, another four plants will be installed by Vision Energia in municipalities in Minas Gerais by the end of the year, totaling 22 MW of power using 80 SMA inverters.

According to the company, the total investment will be approximately R$ 100 million. The solar plants will be installed in Francisco Sá (2.5 MW), Itaobim (2.5 MW), Mateus Leme (2.4 MW), Arcos (2.5 MW), Iguatama (2.4 MW), Curvelo ( 2 MW) and in Amenara (2 MW). In total, the plants should generate more than 3.4 million KWh per month, energy capable of supplying approximately 23 thousand homes.

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

8 Responses

  1. Stuck, I'm starting a process for Solar Power Plants above a MEGA, in the consortium system, I need support, you can contact me

  2. I would like more technical information about the installation of a 1MW plant, project presentation for approval, documents and memorial.

  3. Hi Pedro! Have you found someone to help you with the plant yet? If not, contact me and I can help you: 41-996239722

  4. Hello, my name is Juliana Magalhães!!
    I am investing in a small plant (75 kwp), aimed exclusively at investment and not my own consumption. 
    The company that is selling the plant also offers the consortium service, where I can place my plant for them to manage and in return I have an average return of 1.6% am and a payback of 4 years. 
    I would like to know if you have any material or knowledge about these investment plants? If they really deliver these numbers, which ones are rich? I need to know more to be able to make the decision whether to invest around 320 thousand reais or not. 
    Juliana Magalhães38 98825-5435

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