Consumers bet on EVs to save money and promote sustainability

Canal Solar interviewed people who use electric cars and who adopt app services to rent them
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08-02-2021-canal-solar-Consumidores apostam em VEs para economizar e promover sustentabilidade

You EVs (electric vehicles) are increasingly becoming a viable alternative for consumers looking to save money and promote sustainability. Only in Brazil, ABVE (Brazilian Electric Vehicle Association) pointed out that they were sold around 20 thousand EVs in 2020, an increase of 65% compared to 2019, and almost 400% compared to 2018.

According to a study by BNEF (BloombergNEF), electric cars will account for 10% of global sales by 2025, with this number increasing to 28% in 2030 and 58% in 2040. This indicates that the sustainable mobility industry continues to grow.

But have you ever driven one electric or hybrid vehicle? Do you know what the advantages are compared to combustion engines? Canal Solar interviewed people who use this clean technology and who adopt app services to rent EVs.

Cardiologist Sílvio Gioppato bought a hybrid car and has been using it for around two years. According to him, the benefits are diverse. “It's very common for people to ask me why I bought this vehicle, whether it's really more economical or whether it requires a lot of maintenance. In this case, I say that I am completely satisfied with it.”

Gioppato states that the main reason that motivated him to buy a hybrid vehicle was the economic perspective. “I had a car that did 9.5 km per liter. But I travel 600 km per week, which is a pretty high average commute. So a hybrid car was quite interesting. On average, I do 20 km per liter, so I've already saved around R$ 18 thousand on fuel”, he reported.

“At the time, the difference in price I paid for this car, compared to the combustion engine I was looking at, was around R$ 15 thousand. However, my payback was two years”, added Gioppatoé.

The sustainability aspect, according to the doctor, is also among the reasons that made him buy this model. “A liter of gasoline releases around 2 kilos of CO2 into the atmosphere. Doing the math, the volume of fuel I consumed and what I would have consumed with the other car, I stopped releasing 10 thousand kilos of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. This is an extremely important impact when we think about the environment and quality of life”, he concluded.

Electric vehicle rental

Buying an electric car may still be a distant reality for some people. However, why not rent? A Beepbeep, for example, is a startup of sharing EVs and offers this type of service to those who live or are passing through the capital of São Paulo and São José dos Campos (SP).

Businesswoman Camilla Bianchessi lives in the city of Campinas (SP), but whenever she goes to São Paulo, especially for meetings or the airport, she uses the company's app to get around. “I had no doubts about choosing an electric vehicle to be my means of transport. The savings are huge, as I don’t have to pay, for example, for parking and we are not subject to the risk of theft or damage”, he commented.

“I hadn't yet had experience with an electric car, but I was surprised by its performance, speed, starting and, of course, the environmental issue. Furthermore, the cost-benefit of a model like this is incredible for people who have a lifestyle that travels a lot”, highlighted Camila.

“We always hear that the electric car is something far away, but if you have the opportunity to have this experience, it is worth it. I am now considering the possibility of buying one, after all, we also want to contribute to reducing CO and taking care of the world”, he concluded.

How does the application work?

It is necessary to download the Beepbeep application, available for Android It is iOS, and register. Once the account is cleared, you can use it to locate a car and reserve it. There is no driving restriction, but the user must look for a Beepbeep charging station or a partner to recharge the vehicle's battery if the mileage exceeds the available range.

The car goes from 0 to 50 km/h in four seconds and the battery has a range of at least 300 km, thanks in part to regenerative charging technology, which converts the kinetic energy from braking into charge for the battery. For more information, Click here.

Petrobras increases diesel and gasoline prices

Petrobras announced that, from Tuesday (9), average gasoline prices for distributors will increase by R$ 0.17 per liter, to R$ 2.25 per liter. And the average selling price of diesel will be R$2.24 per liter, reflecting an average increase of R$ 0.13 per liter.

The average selling price of Petrobras' LPG to distributors will now be R$ 2.91 per kg (equivalent to R$ 37.79 per 13 kg), an average increase of R$ 0.14 per kg (equivalent to R$ 1 .81 per 13 kg).

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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