PV Solar Energy – Commercial Module – Sales

About the course

The course is aimed at sales professionals who wish to work in the photovoltaic market, independently or as a CLT for a company in the sector. Topics are covered that enable participants to provide important information to potential customers and convert prospects into sales. To have a high sales conversion rate, the professional must know how the technology works and the rules of the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL), as well as the possible business models and respective financial returns that their customers will have. The course is divided into the topics shown below.

About the teacher and organizer

Bruno Henrique Kikumoto de Paula, professor and entrepreneur. Electrical Engineer – UDESC – Santa Catarina, Masters in Electrical Engineering – UNICAMP, Specialist in project management. Electrical Engineer with more than 10 years of experience in the electronics industry and provision of technical services, working for multinationals in Brazil and the United States. Expertise in the area of distributed mini and microgeneration photovoltaic systems projects. Use of design software such as PVSyst and Helioscope. Carrying out payback calculations and financial indicators. Responsible for the commissioning and quality certification of the João Pinheiro I (1 MW) and COGE AES Tietê (117 kW) solar photovoltaic plants, among others. Instructor at UNICAMP in courses in the area of photovoltaic solar technology, covering technical, financial and management aspects. Consulting engineer in company migration processes to the Free Electricity Contracting Environment (ACL). Advanced knowledge of the structure of the Brazilian electrical system and its agents. Experience in the Free Electricity Market. Acting as a project manager, with strong interaction with diverse functional areas such as manufacturing, quality, supplies, suppliers, marketing, sales and after-sales, leading projects from conception to mass production. He managed and was directly responsible for projects totaling more than 100 million dollars in Brazil and the United States. Leadership of multicultural and multifunctional teams working in different parts of the globe, locally and remotely. International experience including residence in the USA for 2 years. Speaker at the UNICAMP Solar Photovoltaic Forum on commissioning solar plants. Leads the Brazilian initiative in the area of commissioning solar plants and systems, with several commissions already carried out.


1. Solar Photovoltaic Energy Market

  • Projections and achievements of the photovoltaic market in Brazil and worldwide.
  • Growth of Distributed Generation in Brazil.

2. Technical Issues

  • Difference between solar heaters and photovoltaic energy
  • Photovoltaic effect
  • Autonomous systems – Offgrid and grid-connected systems – Grid-tie

3. Regulation and Legislation

  • ANEEL Normative Resolution 482/2012 and 687/2015
  • Energy credit system
  • Energy sharing modalities (remote self-consumption, cooperatives, consortiums and condominiums)
  • Taxation

4. Sales processes

  • Profile of customers investing in photovoltaic energy
  • Group A customers and group B customers
  • Free vs. Free Clients captive customers
  • Industrial, commercial and residential customers
  • Sales pipeline
  • Sales funnel concepts
  • Issues that influence Financial Return
  • Financial Indicators (TMA, IRR and NPV)

5. Preparation and presentation of commercial proposals

  • Economic feasibility analysis
  • Return on investment (Simple and Discounted Payback)
  • Analysis of investment indicators
  • Cash flow during the useful life of the project (investment with own resources)
  • Bank financing lines for photovoltaic systems
  • Cash flow over the life of the project (investment with financing resources)

6. Case studies applied to invoices from participants’ potential customers



CPV Convention Center – Visiting Professor’s House
Av. Érico Veríssimo, 1251 – University City
Campinas – SP – CEP 13083-851

Stay at Casa do Professor Visitante during your stay in Campinas: https://bit.ly/2jZ27rT
Students from Solar Channel have discounts on daily rates (on request)

What are people saying about the course

The PV Solar Energy course – Commercial Module, after several editions, has become the main course in Brazil for training and qualification in sales, negotiation, budget preparation, customer approaches, sales funnel and many other subjects that make part of the daily life of companies installing and integrating photovoltaic systems. Professor Bruno Kikumoto, in partnership with special guests, offers the best content currently available in the segment.


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