DAH Solar launches panels with cells that can reach efficiency of 26.5%

TOPCon N-Type modules have +600W and feature rectangular cells measuring 182mm x 192mm
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Panels with rectangular cells from DAH Solar. Image: DAH Solar/Disclosure

A Chinese DAH Solar launched on Brazil you new photovoltaic modules with rectangular cells, capable of generating more electricity than models with traditional square cells.

The panels, from line DHN-72R18, have technology TOPCon N-Type, +600W of power and 182mm x 192mm cells. According to the company, because they are lighter and more compact, the equipment saves space and provides more power per square meter than conventional models.

“A 630W module with a square cell needs an area of 2.80 m² and has an efficiency of around 22.54% of energy generation. While a panel rectangular cell occupies a area in 2.70 m² and presents 23.30% of efficiency”, he exemplified Leonardo Rodrigues, LATAM technical manager at DAH Solar.

In fact, tests carried out by the company reveal that the TOPCon N-Type cells that make up the brand's solar panels can achieve efficiency in 26,5%.

Módulo com tecnologia TOPCon da fabricante. Imagem: DAH Solar/Divulgação
Module with TOPCon technology from the manufacturer. Image: DAH Solar/Disclosure

More details about the line

The DHN-72R18 line is available at regular format with edge, in the exclusive full-screen model (with infinity edge or without frame on the front patented by DAH) and also in bifacial double glass.

The products come with 15 years in guarantee against defects in manufacturing It is 30 years in linear power in exit in 87,4%, ensuring greater energy generation throughout the life of the system.

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Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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