Deputy wants to limit growth of GD and the Free Energy Market

João Carlos Bacelar filed a bill claiming that the two markets could “injure distributors to death”
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Deputado quer limitar crescimento da GD e do Mercado Livre de Energia
Federal deputy João Carlos Bacelar (PL-BA). Photo: Reproduction/Chamber of Deputies

One bill (PL 4831/2023) filed with the Chamber of Deputies want to limit in up to 10% the insertion of the G.D. (distributed generation) in the area of activity of distributors of electrical energy, so that, after reaching this limit, concessionaires are no longer obliged to provide connection points for new consumers. 

O document also seeks to limit the Mercado Livre de Energia to 30% from distribution network use, even making contract renewals unfeasible. The text is written by the federal deputy João Carlos Bacelar (PL-BA). 

A justification of the parliamentarian for this proposal is that, according to him, the growth of these two markets in Brazil can “deathly injure” dealerships of the public electricity distribution service.

“Seeking the economic-financial sustainability of the distributor, market stability is sought in the supply of electrical energy, so that predictability in the acquisition of electrical energy is guaranteed, avoiding both overcontracting and energy”, highlights the document. 

Lack of clarity

Despite having as one of its objectives limiting the growth of DG in the country, the bill presented by the deputy does not explain what it's about the 10% limit for the segment of distributed micro and minigeneration.

This because, who reads the document can't understand whether this percentage limit is valid for The installed power in the distribution network or if it's for consumer units. 

The report from the Solar Channel contacted the parliamentarian's office to resolve this issue, but has not received a response to date. 


O text proposed caused surprise in associations and entities of the renewable energy sector, like the INEL (National Clean Energy Institute) and the MSL (Free Solar Movement), which classified the measure as harmful to the country's development and which goes against the expectations of job and income generation announced by the new government.

Gustavo Tegon, secretary of solar energy at INEL, points out that the proposal as it stands, restricting jobs, income and more investments by citizens in their own energy generation systems, should not have the support of other parliamentarians.

Already Hewerton Martins, president and founder of MSL, adds that the bill in question is a setback to the democratic process of granting access to cheaper energy for consumers. 

“The text goes against the development of digital markets for consumer energy consumption that is taking place around the world. It is a proposal for the energy concessionaire”, he said.

For this reason, the MSL executive states that he does not believe that the bill will be approved by the other deputies. For him, the document has all the characteristics of a market monopoly. 

“MSL does not believe in the progress of this legislation, which goes against the democratization of energy use”, he commented. “The deputy did not note that today the main players in distributed generation and Mercado Livre are companies linked to the economic groups of the energy concessionary proposals”, highlighted Martins. 

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

4 Responses

  1. Excellent placement Hilton. This Deputy should be ashamed of the absurd size of his project, in which he clearly opposes everything that is happening in contemporary times, in which Clean Energy, the generation of jobs and income, awareness of a world that is less aggressive to nature , are questions that are so necessary for our survival. Worried about the “profit” of Distributors? This is the so-called “heir of coronelismo”, completely unnecessary nowadays.

  2. “Gustavo Tegon, solar energy secretary at INEL, points out that the proposal as it stands, restricting jobs, income and more investments by citizens in their own energy generation systems, should not have the support of other parliamentarians”.
    Mr. Gustavo, your observation is absolutely correct. These are the real objectives. For this type of politician, the worse the better. Carrying the Brazilian flag on their backs, they position themselves as patriots to attract supporters and then create chaos and establish themselves as rescuers for the wronged. Believe. They became “myths”.

  3. Good afternoon. Mr. Hilton Ferreira Magalhães expressed himself very well. The moment I started reading the report, exactly what Mr. Hilton said came to mind. I hope the STF does not interfere in this matter; those are a disaster for the country.

  4. It becomes an affront to common sense. This conservative and neoliberal deputy needs to be investigated whether there is financing from concessionaires and distributors to carry out this evil lobby. It is infinitely irrational and for him the concept so defended by his party companions is worthless. He needs to find out what happens in the developed world, see in Europe, the USA and China. She doesn't know anything! He's a first-rate guesser. The responsibility of the above entities is to serve consumers with extreme quality. They forget or act like they don't understand that we pay the most expensive energy in the world. Why doesn't he fight to reduce the excruciating taxation that is applied to the sector. This individual is a bad Brazilian and a salesman!

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