Deputies in favor of GD emphasize the importance of PL 5829

Parliamentarians praise popular manifesto and say that measure will bring legal and regulatory security to the sector
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Deputies in favor of PL 5829 (Bill No. 5829/2019) took advantage of the protest carried out by professionals and entities in the solar sector, on the Esplanada dos Ministérios, in Brasília, this Tuesday (08), to emphasize the importance of approving the text. 

The proposal, authored by deputy Silas Câmara (Republicanos-AM) and whose rapporteur is deputy Lafayette de Andrada (Republicanos/MG), basically extends the collection of charges and fees for the use of transmission and distribution systems to micro and mini electricity generators.

In the understanding of the deputies, the measure will bring more legal and regulatory security for the sustainable growth of the Brazilian electricity sector. “This demonstration shows the appeal that this project has for all of Brazil. There are people who came from all regions of the country and we know that they are mobilizing and talking to the representatives of their states”, said Lafayette, in an interview with Solar Channel. 

According to the proposal's rapporteur, the text has everything it needs to be approved in the Plenary, including, with a large margin of votes, when it is put to a vote. “I have no doubt that the majority of deputies in the Chamber are in favor of the project. We are just waiting for President Arthur Lira (Progressistas/AL) to decide on it”, he stressed. 

Asked about the criticisms that the vice-president of the Chamber, Marcelo Ramos (PL/AM), and opposing deputies have made to the project, Lafayette stressed that he sees the demonstrations naturally. “The debate has to exist, but what saddens me is when people keep launching fake news and blurring the truth, with the aim of confusing the population. This is what we see that the opponents have been doing”, he highlighted. 

Also in an interview with Solar Channel, deputy Evandro Rogério Roman (Patriotas/PR) stated that this Tuesday's act generated a positive impact for the sector in the Chamber. At the beginning of the year, the parliamentarian registered an amendment to PL 5829, providing for the inclusion of 10% from GD in the Brazilian energy matrix, before any changes to the other rules already in force. 

“This is the voice of 180 million people in Brazil who use up to 167 kW and who are currently paying the red flag. Whoever is here today is carrying on their shoulders the defense of cheap and clean energy. I am sure that after today we will approve this text, as what prevails is the popular will and the people are represented here”, he said. 

Asked about voting on the text, Ramon said he believes the measure should be voted on in the second half of this year. “This week the text was not on the agenda, because we have some provisional measures in front of it. We are negotiating to get it on the agenda next week. I believe that by mid-July we will vote on the project definitively in the Chamber”, he highlighted. 

In the opinion of Bárbara Rubim, vice-president of Distributed Generation at ABSOLAR (Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association), voting on PL 5829 in the second half of this year would be a victory for the solar energy sector. “I think it would be important if we managed to approve this project before the deputies' recess to prevent it from cooling off”, he commented. 

Rubim also highlighted that it is normal for the law approval process to be turbulent. “It is important that people understand that it is relatively normal for projects to take time to be voted on and discussed. And, in our case, we have the opposition of a very strong parliamentarian, who is the vice-president of the House (Marcelo Ramos)”. 

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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