Transmission line shutdown in Ceará started blackout, reports ONS

Operator teams continue to deepen the analysis of the incident, which is scheduled for August 25th
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Desligamento de linha de transmissão no Ceará iniciou apagão, confirma ONS
Photo: Freepik

O ONS (National Electric System Operator) reported, on Wednesday night (17), that concluded The preliminary analysis of causes of blackout which left more than a third of Brazilian consumers without electricity last Tuesday (15). 

It was found that the opening, incorrect protection operation from the 500 kV Transmission Line of the Quixadá-Fortaleza II plant, in the State of Ceará, caused a “sudden drop in tension” at the YES (National Interconnected System). 

According to preliminary conclusions already achieved, the systemic protections, which are automatic intervention mechanisms in the SIN, were sensitized in order to avoid oscillations in the system after the occurrence of the initial disturbance. Preliminary indications are that the performance of these protections was correct. 

“At this moment, the Operator's teams continue to deepen the analysis of the occurrence, and a meeting is scheduled for August 25th with the agents involved, in addition to the MME (Ministry of Mines and Energy) and ANEEL (National Energy Agency). Electric Energy), to assess in detail the causes and consequences of the occurrence”, highlighted the ONS. 

Read too:

That assessment will be consolidated into a RAP (Disturbance Analysis Report), which takes approximately 30 days to complete. “The preliminary analysis points out the causes of what happened and now we are going to deepen the studies to redefine prevention mechanisms”, informed the ONS.

Understand what happened and the chronology of the restoration of disconnected loads, in the view of the ONS: the occurrence in the SIN caused the electrical separation of the North and Northeast regions from the South and Southeast/Central-West regions, with the opening of interconnections between these regions.

  • At 08:43, the reestablishment of loads in the South region began, and was completed at 09:05;
  • At 08:52, the reestablishment of loads in the Southeast/Central-West began, being completed at 09:33;
  • The SIN was 100% reset at 2:49 pm.
Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

One Response

  1. There is a website saying that it was due to “excess load on solar generation”, but at this time? otherwise there are several protection systems to avoid overload, we must wait and demand that the real reasons for the blackout be clarified so that we can avoid it, without speculation

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