ANEEL director said he was misunderstood when talking about lobbies in the sector

Hélvio Guerra was invited to give explanations about a possible criticism of the National Congress
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Canal Solar Diretor da ANEEL disse que foi mal interpretado ao falar de lobbies no setor
Deputy Danilo Forte criticized ANEEL's actions. Photo: Danilo Mello/Aleam

The director of ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency), Hélvio Guerra, said this Wednesday (21) in a hearing in the Chamber of Deputies that his words were taken out of context in the reports, and that when using the word lobby it would not be in the meaning pejorative.

Even so, he apologized to the deputies present at the meeting and to the other deputies who felt offended by his words.

Guerra was invited to attend a public hearing promoted by the Mines and Energy and Financial Inspection and Control committees of the Chamber of Deputies, with the aim of clarifying the speech of the director of ANEEL, who had said that Brazilian deputies are unaware of the electricity sector and that would be driven by lobbying. Representative Danilo Forte (União-CE) was one of the applicants for the meeting with Guerra at the Mines and Energy Commission.

The request to hold the hearing was also signed by deputies Arthur Oliveira Maia (União-BA) and Beto Pereira (PSDB-MS). In the Financial Inspection and Control committee, deputy Evair Vieira de Melo (PP-ES) also requested the presence of Hélvio Guerra to explain the executive's statements. Guerra said that at no time did he try to hurt, tarnish or attack the National Congress.

During the hearing, deputy Danilo Forte still criticized ANEEL's actions, claiming that the Agency took some decisions that harmed the renewable energy segment in the Northeast. “The excess power of regulatory agencies has generated losses for Brazil,” said Forte.

Deputy Joaquim Passarinho (PL-PA) classified the ANEEL director’s accusation as “flippant” and “irresponsible”.

Here's Guerra's apology

“In complimenting your excellences, I come to recognize that the parliamentarians are right to have felt offended, upon learning of the words I used during the Sectorial Agenda event held on March 29th in the city of Rio de Janeiro.

My presentation was broadcast on digital media on April 10, removing isolated words from my speech, which actually sound offensive and unjustified.

What I intended to remind the audience, made up mainly of sectoral agents, was that many matters relating to the electricity sector under discussion in legislative houses result from legitimate action, sometimes by associations that represent their members, sometimes by sectoral agents themselves, who defend agendas sometimes disregarding the set of agents and the set of consumers.

Despite being a legitimate action, they ended up failing to consider ANEEL's technical role and when speaking in that event, I used the word lobbies, but not in a pejorative sense, as may have appeared.

This demonstration was not intended to criticize the National Congress, because I would not have, and do not have, any reason to do so. However, reviewing my presentation, I recognize that some phrases, separated from the context, that were said, are offensive and unfair to parliamentarians.

On the other hand, I would like to kindly transcribe the title of another article published on March 29th, also in digital media, which made clear what my intention was: 'Director of ANEEL defends regulator's actions and criticizes sector lobbies in the Congress."

In view of this, I humbly ask that you accept my excuses and transmit them to the other parliamentarians in the Chamber of Deputies and the Federal Senate.”

Picture of Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire is a journalist graduated from FMU. He worked as a reporter for Jornal da Energia, Canal Energia and Agência Estado. He has covered the electricity sector since 2011. He has experience in covering events, such as energy auctions, conventions, lectures, fairs, congresses and seminars.

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