EDP donates more than 3 thousand basic food baskets to help fight the pandemic

The company's shares amount to R$ 4 million in initiatives in the fields of health and the fight against hunger, in the states of SP and ES
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16-04-21-canal-solar-EDP doa mais de 3 mil cestas básicas para auxiliar no combate a pandemia

EDP announced that it donated 3,400 basic food baskets to needy families in the state of São Paulo, whose income was compromised amid the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic. 

In total, the company is allocating over R$ 4 million to initiatives in the fields of health and the fight against hunger, in the states of São Paulo and Espírito Santo.

At the end of March, the company also officially supported the Hospital das Clínicas of the Faculty of Medicine of USP in hiring health professionals which will reinforce care for coronavirus patients. 

EDP also stated that it will be responsible, together with the companies Suzano and Águia Branca, for the acquisition of 60 beds for semi-intensive treatment in public hospitals in Espírito Santo. 

“We are going through the most challenging moment of the pandemic in Brazil. In line with its purpose of 'Using our energy to always provide better care', EDP will do everything in its power to ensure that the country overcomes this period in the best possible way”, highlighted João Marques da Cruz, president of EDP in Brazil .

Energy efficiency

Through its energy efficiency program, EDP said it will provide savings in energy consumption to public hospitals located in its concession area in the state of São Paulo. 

There will be eight units included in the municipalities of São José dos Campos, Jacareí, Lorena, Caraguatatuba, Suzano and Guarulhos. The resource invested totals more than R$ 1.7 million.

Read more: Campinas will install panels in hospitals and expects savings of R$ 1.3 million

According to the company, the action will modernize the institutions' lighting system by replacing 4,295 high-consumption lamps with LEDs, in addition to installing photovoltaic panels - which will provide electricity bill savings of around 850 MWh/ year.

In 2020, the company also completed energy efficiency projects in three large hospitals in Espírito Santo. The contribution, of around R$ 1.2 million, was intended for the replacement of 11,331 lighting points with LED technology, and the modernization of the refrigeration system.

Donations in 2020

Last year, EDP emphasized that it allocated more than R$ 10 million to the purchase of respirators and PPE for the public health network, the carrying out of electrical works in field hospitals and the donation of 350 tons of food and personal hygiene kits to vulnerable communities and indigenous peoples. In total, these initiatives benefited more than 400 thousand people across Brazil.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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