Electric vehicle registration breaks record in Brazil

According to ABVE, the month of June registered an increase of 13% in relation to May, with 3,507 new cars registered
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26-07-21-canal-solar-Emplacamento de veículos elétricos bate recorde no Brasil

According to a survey carried out by ABVE (Brazilian Association of Electric Vehicles), the registration of electrified cars broke a record in Brazil in the month of June.

The study showed that there was an increase of 13% in relation to May, with 3,507 new cars registered. Furthermore, an increase of 84% in sales of EVs (electric vehicles) in the first half of 2021, which led to the registration of 13,899 new cars.

According to ABVE, for the first time, the VE The most popular vehicle in the country was a light commercial vehicle, the BYD eT3 van. In June, the manufacturer registered 82 vans – destined for TB Green, a company providing integrated green fleet rental solutions, labor supply and waste management and urban cleaning. 

Read more: 2020 was the best year for electric mobility in Brazil

These cars will be operated by e-commerce companies focused on green logistics in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. “The adoption of the electric 100% will initially be driven by corporations that truly seek to comply with ESG, that have 24/7 service applications, that are open to supplying them with clean energy such as photovoltaics,” said Carlos Roma, director- general TB Green.

For Adalberto Maluf, Director of Marketing and Sustainability at BYD, “on the one hand, local governments create incentives for green logistics, and on the other, companies have been strengthening their ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) agenda, with electric mobility being one of the best ways to reduce emissions and build a cleaner and healthier urban environment for everyone”. 

BYD Global Sales

Globally, BYD sold 49,765 passenger vehicles in June, including electric and combustion vehicles, which represents an increase of 52.5% compared to the same period last year and an increase of 10.2% in monthly sales. 

Specifically, the sale of electric cars reached 40,116 units, an increase of 207.1% compared to the previous year and 26.6% compared to last month.

For the second half of the year, the manufacturer announced that it will continue to increase its production capacity to meet market demand and will use innovative technologies, such as the DM-i hybrid system and Blade battery, to stimulate the sector's growth. 

SP increases incentive for electric vehicles

On June 8, the mayor of São Paulo, Ricardo Nunes, sanctioned the Law No. 17,563 – through which EV owners in the municipality will be able to have the IPVA amount paid returned to them through a deposit into a current account or in the form of a discount on the IPTU.

Another law that already exists in the municipality provides for an exemption of 50% in the value of IPVA for electrified vehicles (exempt from rotation in the city), hybrid or hydrogen-powered vehicles. 

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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