Businessman bets on solar and only pays minimum energy tariff

Resident of Atibaia (SP) installs photovoltaic system in his home to promote savings and sustainability
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27-03-21-canal-solar-Empresário aposta em solar e paga apenas tarifa mínima de energia

Living in a house that generates the least possible impact on the environment. This was the objective of businessman Ricardo Honório, who chose to install a photovoltaic system in his residence, located in the city of Atibaia (SP).

The plant, built in January 2020, has a capacity of 8 KWp, which, according to him, is more than enough to meet all his consumption – with six residents, a heated pool and oven, stove and electric showers. 

“Before we built this property, energy consumption was a matter of concern for the whole family, as the electricity bill was around R$ 800/month. Now, I only pay the minimum fare of R$ 76”, he highlighted.  In total, R$ 43 thousand were invested in the construction of the plant.

“I didn't give up on good equipment, because this type of product is not one that you can go to the store to exchange if you regret the purchase. Our solar inverter, for example, is Fronius, which was the brand that brought me reliability in everything, from technology to monitoring and technical support”, said Honório. 

Read more: Residential customers report savings of up to R$ 40 thousand with solar energy

According to Fronius, the project ended up resulting in a pilot house for the Green Building Council Brazil, an entity that works to transform the construction industry towards sustainability. Despite not yet being certified by GBC Brasil, the residence has a vegetable garden for food production, stores water for reuse and energy does not come from any electrical or gas source. 

“My house is 100% photovoltaic. It's like having a small energy factory working every day just for you. It’s totally worth it”, highlighted the businessman.  “We can enjoy the pool with heated water and still, at the end of the month, we have R$ 700 left in our budget, which can be converted into tours and trips, for example”, he commented. 

For Alexandre Borin, commercial manager at solar inverter manufacturer Fronius do Brasil, this is the perfect example of a consumer aware of their role in society, who seeks to leave a legacy for the next generations. “It is the consumer turning the key to being a prosumer, who produces his own energy through an inexhaustible and clean source, definitively contributing to the future of our planet”, concluded Borin. 

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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