Professionals and companies mobilize to save lives in Rio Grande do Sul

Solar sector promotes actions in an attempt to mitigate impacts caused by natural disasters that devastate the state
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Profissionais e empresas se mobilizam para salvar vidas no Rio Grande do Sul
Truck receives food donations in the interior of Rio Grande do Sul. Photo: Disclosure

One large solidarity network formed throughout Brazil in front of the destruction scenario caused by strong rains that devastate the Rio Grande do Sul since last week.

In addition to doctors, nurses and social workers, there are also companies and professionals in the solar energy sector working on the front line with the aim of saving lives in the State.

Sensitized by everything that has been following, Ricardo Rizzotto, owner of EOS Solar, in Marau (RS), says that provided the truck that your company uses to transport photovoltaic kits to bring supplies to those who need it most. 

“The city's jeep drivers and motorcycle club associations mobilized to help, but there was a lack of trucks to transport supplies to nearby cities. So, we decided to make our truck available to optimize transportation time,” he said. 

The businessman says that the vehicle of the company is being used to take the largest amount of foods possible until the affected municipalities enter, where access is only possible via dirt roads and with 4×4 vehicles. 

At these points, the supplies are unloaded and the jeepneys leave with the groceries towards shelter points who are receiving donations in these locations. 

“I was following and it seems that they managed to free one of the bridges in Veranópolis (RS), where some vehicles were already passing. I will check with City Hall to see if they were able to collect more supplies this week and if they will need transportation to make ours available,” said Rizzotto.

Another company that is also committed to the cause is Dufrio. The company operates in Brazilian market not only with the sale of refrigeration systems, but also photovoltaic systems.

The company, partner of ZNShine, started in its stores across Brazil a fundraising campaign for food and beverage donations, such as drinking water and non-perishable food, as well as clothing, mattresses and bed sheets.

Solidarity platform

In addition to companies in the sector, there are also a series of voluntary actions being carried out for the benefit of the residents of Rio Grande do Sul directly by professionals who work in the renewable energy segment.  

Thaynara Furtado, young energy leader for the IRENA (International Agency for Renewable Energy), for example, created a Digital platform that brings together useful information for the population, through research carried out by her, based on information from media outlets and state Public Power entities, such as Civil Defense.

Thaynara Furtado, young energy leader at IRENA. Photo: Personal Archive

Among the information available is: shelter points that need supplies to be sent, a list such as the names of missing people; a communication channel for requesting rescue and medical assistance, as well as campaign links with virtual donations to purchase food, medicine and even animal feed. 

A professional account that updates the platform daily. “As a scientist and energy expert, I felt a great need to be able to help. So I thought about making a Padlet to centralize the inflections he saw and received. I started sending it to people, influencers in the region, friends who live in Rio Grande do Sul and WhatsApp groups in the hope that this information reaches those who need it”, she said. 

The platform developed by Thaynara can be accessed by clicking on this link.

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Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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