Enel Green Power starts operating the Morro do Chapéu Sul II wind farm in BA

The project has 353 MW of installed capacity and will be able to generate more than 1,800 GWh of energy per year
Enel Green power inicia operação do parque eólico Morro do Chapéu Sul II na Bahia
The company invested around R$ 1.92 billion in the construction of the wind farm

Enel Green Power Brasil, the Brazilian renewable energy subsidiary of the Enel Group, began operating the Morro do Chapéu Sul II wind farm, in the municipalities of Morro do Chapéu and Cafarnaum (BA). The investment was approximately R$ 1.92 billion.

With an installed capacity of 353 MW, the project is located in the same region where Enel Green Power built and operates, since January 2018, the Morro do Chapéu Sul wind farm (172 MW).  

Of the project's total installed capacity, around half is already connected to the SIN (National Interconnected System). The park is expected to be fully operational by January 2022.

“The start of operations in Morro do Chapéu Sul II reaffirms our commitment to contributing to the diversification of renewable sources in the country, making available to the electrical system a substantial volume of new installed capacity capable of assisting the country in the face of the current water shortage, highlights Roberta Bonomi, Head of Enel Green Power in Brazil. 

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“This is Enel’s fourth renewable venture to come into operation in the country in 2021. Between 2020 and early 2022 alone, we will have put into operation around 2.6 GW of new wind and solar capacity, contributing to our sustainable growth in region."

The Morro do Chapéu Sul II wind farm is made up of 84 wind turbines and, when fully operational, will be capable of generating more than 1,800 GWh of energy per year, avoiding the emission of around 992 thousand tons of CO2 into the atmosphere annually. The park's energy production will be mostly supplied to the free market for sale to commercial customers, leveraging Enel's integrated presence in the country.

In Brazil, the Enel Group, through its subsidiaries EGPB and Enel Brasil, has a total renewable installed capacity of more than 4.3 GW, of which more than 1.8 GW is from wind sources, around 1.2 GW are from solar sources and around 1.3 GW from hydro.

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

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