Enel SP will invest R$ 50 million in energy efficiency

Registration to participate in the selection will be available until the 19th
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Enel SP investirá R$ 50 milhões em eficiência energética
Project presentation workshop, public and private sector companies can apply. Photo: Enel SP/ Disclosure

A Enel Distribution São Paulo will invest R$ 50 million in projects energy efficiency. The value was presented last Thursday (27), during a workshop held by the company.

O goal of the program is to offer, to both public and private clients, the opportunity to present proposals that promote energy gains focusing on efficient consumption, improvements to electrical installations and educational actions. 

According to the company, the total project value, which initially was R$ 34 million, increased by 43% of the expected resource amount.

A Selection of projects will be made through CPP 001/2023 (Public Call for Projects), which is financed with resources from the PEE (Energy Efficiency Program) of ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency).

To the Registration for the public call can be made until July 19. The notice is available at this  link. To participate, projects need to cost from R$ 1 million to R$ 4 million and focus on efficient energy consumption. Complete documentation requested in the public call is mandatory.

In 2024, of the total amount available for the PEE across the state, R$ 15 million will be allocated to public lighting initiatives; R$ 15 million goes to commerce, services and industry; R$ 10 million for public authorities and public services; and R$ 10 million for projects in the residential and rural categories.

The initiative has already included improvements in public universities and hospitals, including the exchange of conventional lamps for LED models, installation of micro solar plants and modernization of the lighting system.

Guilherme Lencastre, president of Enel Distribuição São Paulo, said in a statement that the company wants to make the process more transparent and accessible, thus ensuring the implementation of the best projects.

“The Public Call for Projects is a fundamental instrument to promote energy efficiency and innovation in our state. It allows us to select and invest in initiatives that have a direct and relevant impact on the population's quality of life, while at the same time contributing to more conscious and sustainable energy consumption”, he stated. 

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Picture of Viviane Lucio
Viviane Lucio
Journalist graduated from UNIP (Universidade Paulista) and specialist in scientific journalism from Unicamp (Universidade Estadual de Campinas). He has experience in producing news, reports, photography, communications and press consultancy.

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