Solar energy attracts R$ 4 billion of investments in Tocantins

Around 1,200 direct jobs and another 300 indirect jobs will be created during the work
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Energia solar atrai quase R$ 4 bi de investimentos ao estado de Tocantins
Photo: Lino Vargas (Secom Gurupi)

O State of Tocantins will receive around R$ 4 billion, over the next five years, in investments for construction of three photovoltaic plants. The projects will be located in the city of Gurupi (TO).

The deliveries of preliminary licenses to project representatives have already been delivered by the mayor Josi Nunes and the team from the Municipal Secretariat for Economic Development and Environment.

The three photovoltaic plants, GES Gurupi Energia Solar, Gurupi Photovoltaic Complex and California Photovoltaic Complex, combined, will have an accumulated generating potential of 448,381 MW, in an impacted area of just 910.5 hectares. 

Second Diego Rocha, Director of Environment of Gurupi, the projects will bring a great advantage to the city, in relation to the impact of a hydroelectric plant, such as the one in the city of Peixe (TO), which generates 498.75 MW, in an area of 29, 4 thousand hectares.

Solar energy is the current trend. And compared to a Hydroelectric Plant, which is the matrix in our region, the three photovoltaic plants after the start of operation will generate a capacity very similar to that of Enerpeixe, with only a fraction of the area impacted. Our city with this type of investment, in addition to the positive impact on jobs, environmental impact and energy generation capacity, will enable Gurupi to be a solar energy production hub”, said Rocha.

Job generation

The Municipal Administration estimates that, with the installation of the three plants, approximately 1,200 direct jobs and another 300 indirect ones in this period. The expectation is that the Plant implementation works begin in 2023.

“Gurupi will become a reference in the North of the country in terms of renewable energy generation. This is important because today we are privileged mainly with what most cities and regions do not have, which are connection points”, stated the Environment Director of Gurupi.

“It is very expensive to transport this energy to put it into the system, and we currently have two energy substations here. One of them must be expanded, so we will attract much more investment from these projects installed here”, added Rocha.

“There are three projects that will generate a lot of jobs and are major investments in our region. And all of this is made possible with the support of public authorities. Our environmental department looked into these three processes and today they are here receiving a preliminary license so that the project can begin. Our management will facilitate these projects that generate development, this is our goal”, highlighted the mayor.

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

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