Solar energy generates annual savings of R$ 12 thousand on the electricity bill

The photovoltaic system installed in the residence was designed to generate 16,500 kWh per year
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Energia solar gera economia anual de R$ 12 mil na conta de luz

Four years ago, Wanda Martins, owner of a 980 m² house in Maringá (PR), paid around R$ 1.2 thousand per month on her electricity bill and was not satisfied with the value of this consumption.

Following the parameters established by REN 482 (Normative Resolution 482/2012), which created conditions so that residential consumers could generate, distribute and compensate the system with electricity concessionaires, Wanda decided to generate its own energy by investing in a photovoltaic system.

With this, she managed to reduce her electricity bill by a thousand per month, spending around R$ 200.00. The 12.24 kWp project, developed by Platão Energia, included 48 255 W modules, a Fronius Symo 12 Kw inverter and cost R$ 70 thousand.

“When I did the photovoltaic installation at home, in 2016, little was said about it. There weren’t many examples or guarantees that the acquisition would be worth it,” Wanda explained.

However, what seemed like a big investment ended up reducing her electricity bill. According to Alexandre Borin, commercial manager at Fronius do Brasil, investing in photovoltaic installations offers economic advantages in all aspects.

“In the case of a residence, the system allows total independence for the family to use all the electronic and electrical equipment that consume a lot of energy, without thinking about the bill at the end of the month”, highlighted Borin

The expert also highlighted that, since the publication of the ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) resolution, the installation of solar energy in homes has grown exponentially.

“We went from eight generating units with photovoltaic energy systems approved in 2012 to 215 thousand at the end of 2019”, he said.

“This increase is related not only to the high profitability of the system, but also to tax incentives, such as tax exemption for the purchase of equipment and different types of financing”, added Diogo Martins Rosa, executive director of Platão Energia.

Rosa also recalled that the photovoltaic system implemented in Wanda's house was designed to generate 16,500 kWh per year, serving around 90% of all the energy consumed by the family.

“An investment like this pays for itself in the first five years and, when well installed and made up of good equipment, the system has a useful life of at least 25 years, which means that it is possible to obtain at least 20 years of profit with this type of investment. of installation”, he calculated.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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