Solar energy accumulates R$ 12 billion in new investments in 2024 alone

Since 2012, more than R$ 193 billion has been invested in renewable sources in the DG and GC segments
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Energia solar acumula R$ 12 bilhões em novos investimentos só em 2024
Solar energy already has more than 40 GW of installed capacity in Brazil. Photo: Freepik

A solar energy I already brought more than R$ 12 billion in new investments to Brazil only in 2024, adding distributed and centralized generation plants.

It is a increase of 50% compared to R$ 8 billion generated by the source in first three months of last year, second data from ABSOLATE (Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association).  

Since the beginning of the expansion of solar energy in the country, in mid- 2012, they're gone R$ 193.4 billion in new investments booked by the entity's calculations.

In addition to investments, the solar energy sector has also helped Brazil with generation of more than 1.1 million green jobs in all states and with the collection for public coffers of more than R$ 51 billion in taxes.  

ABSOLAR data also indicate that the source clean and renewable it also helped prevent more than 46 million tons of C02 from being emitted In the atmosphere in the last 12 years.   

Currently, the solar energy is close to reaching the mark of 41 GW of installed capacity in the country, according to ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency).

In total, the national photovoltaic market has exactly 27.8 GW coming from own energy generation systems and just over 12.75 GW from large solar plants (above 3 MW). 

Evaluation of numbers

In the understanding of Ramon Nuche, general director of AE Solar for Latin America, the solar energy sector in Brazil has an important characteristic that helps to explain the numbers, which would be to be driven by the private sector.

“Distributed generation, which today makes up around 70% of the country's installed photovoltaic capacity, has driven a lot of investment in project development and construction of plants and for leasing,” he said. 

According to the executive, the changing GD rules with the Law 14,300/2022 further boosted this investment sector, creating a moment of high priority in new businesses. 

“This has been reflected in the country's sectoral indicators, despite the challenge that the retail sector encountered in 2023. Within this scenario, AE Solar has been collaborating very closely with developers, integrators and epecistas, supporting the financial and technical aspects of the business, in particular, in the application of technologies that optimize the return on investment and guarantee the profitability of the business in the long term”, highlighted Nuche.  

Electrical matrix

According to ABSOLAR, the photovoltaic energy currently corresponds to 17.5% of the Brazilian electrical matrix, occupying the second position overall and being surpassed only by hydroelectric plants, with around 48%.

It is worth highlighting, however, that hydro plants are increasingly losing space in the electrical matrix with the growth of other renewable sources, which in addition to solar, involve sources such as wind and biomass. 

Exactly three years ago, in March 2021, the percentage of participation of hydroelectric plants in the national electrical matrix was 60%, compared to just 1.7% for solar energy. 

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Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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