Solar energy continues at full steam in the Northeast region 

The location has received investments and recorded records in source generation throughout 2021 
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Amid the water crisis, solar DG (distributed generation) continues at full steam in northeastern Brazil. 

In just over six months, the region registered an increase of more than 75% in its installed power, jumping from 0.81 GW in January to more than 1.15 GW at the beginning of July, according to data from ANEEL (Agência Nacional of Electrical Energy). 

The location, which is close to surpassing the mark of 100 thousand DG units in its territory, has also been showing other signs of growth in relation to the sector.

On June 28, the ONS (National Electric System Operator) reported, for example, that solar energy generation had reached a double production record in the region, with the generation of 681 average MW throughout the day, something that represents around 6.4% of all local demand.

The number indicated a growth of 2.1% compared to the last record, recorded on May 24, when 667 average MW were produced.

On the same day, the source also registered another record, this time in instantaneous generation, reaching, in the early afternoon, the mark of 1,873 MW of solar power – a value that represented 17.7% of northeastern demand and which surpassed the record for April 8th.


If that wasn't enough, the region received more good news for the sector at the end of last week, with the inauguration of new solar plants, called Brígida, Bom Nome and Belmonte, in the municipality of São José do Belmonte (PE).

The ceremony was attended by the Ministers of Mines and Energy, Bento Albuquerque, and of Tourism, Gilson Machado. The plants were implemented by the Spanish company Solatio and, together, have an installed capacity of 810 MWp, capable of supplying around 800 thousand families.

The complex promises to be the largest in Latin America in terms of solar generation. In total, more than R$ 3 billion was invested in construction works, which generated more than 2,500 direct and indirect jobs.

According to the Federal Government, the Brígida solar plant will add 80 MW of power to the SIN (National Interconnected System), while Bom Nome will have 130 MW.

Both should come into operation from April 2022. The Belmonte plant, which will have 600 MW of power, is expected to come into operation from the 3rd quarter of next year. 

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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