Entities in the solar sector will demonstrate for the approval of PL 5829 in Brasília

The mobilization aims to approve the GD Legal Framework in the Chamber of Deputies

On Tuesday morning (8), starting at 9am, there will be a demonstration in Brasília (DF) in favor of the approval of PL 5829/19 (Bill No. 5829/19).

The event is organized by professionals working in the photovoltaic market and promoted by associations in the solar sector. 

The gathering of participants will take place at Alameda das Bandeirantes, in front of the National Congress, and will follow in a motorcade to Aseel (Association of Eletronorte Employees).

According to Carlos Evangelista, president of ABGD (Brazilian Association of Distributed Generation), The objective of the demonstration is the approval of the GD (Distributed Generation) PL in Brazil, which will benefit consumers and investors who already have their own power plant and will help low-income consumers due to compensation for the minimum rate.


Demonstration for the approval of PL 5829/19

Date: Tuesday (7), from 9am to 1pm

Local: National Congress and will follow in a motorcade to Aseel

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Canal Solar editorial team
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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