EPE and MME release planning study schedule for 2024

Plan brings 30 studies that will cover the entire Brazilian territory
EPE e MME divulgam programação de estudos de planejamento para 2024
Photo: Envato

EPE (Energy Research Company) and MME (Ministry of Mines and Energy) disclosed the programming of planning studies for this year. Altogether they are 30 studies, 11 of them started in 2023 while 19 are expected to start in 2024.

O main objective is the indication of new facilities or equipment for the expansion of the electrical power transmission system.

According to the Ministry, the works are necessary to meet market growth over the next decade.

“We are working to strengthen our SIN (National Interconnected System) in actions that will result in more investments for our transmission lines, more robustness to the Brazilian Electric System, bringing better efficiency, economy, safety, in addition to generating jobs and income for our population. Another step we are taking towards a fair, inclusive and necessary energy transition”, said Alexandre Silveira, Minister of Mines and Energy.

Program highlights

The planning studies schedule includes the feasibility analysis of “Bipolo Nordeste 2”, another express corridor. The plan is to increase energy exchange between the SIN regions.

Among the other studies, four are about all regions, another three are only about the North region, six are about the Northeast, three about the Central-West, six more about the Southeast and two about the South. Finally, four analyzes will be about the state of São Paulo specifically.

The complete program can be found here.

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Picture of Frederico Tapia
Frederico Tapia
Journalism student at UNESP on the Bauru campus. He has experience in producing journalistic articles.

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