EPE will have energy transition directorate and will evaluate new transmission auction

Minister of Mines and Energy confirmed the information at an inauguration ceremony for the company's new president
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EPE terá diretoria de transição energética e avaliará novo leilão de transmissão
Photo: Freepik

A EPE (Energy Research Company) will have a energy transition board to address issues related to the promotion of renewable sources in Brazil, according to Alexandre Silveira, Minister of Mines and Energy. 

The head of the Department revealed the information during the inauguration of the new president of EPE, Thiago Prado, at an event held in Rio de Janeiro (RJ), last Friday (29).

“The energy transition board will be created. There are no concrete results and public policies, with positive results, without planning”, he said.

Silveira, however, did not make it clear whether the idea of the ministry is to open an additional board in the organ or adapt the EPE's electrical energy area. 

For the minister, the energy transition is an “opportunity we have in this new economy, anyone who doesn’t believe will be out of the global economy in ten years,” he commented. 

During the ceremony, the minister too stated that asked EPE to evaluate the possibility of Brazil holding the 4th auction of power transmission lines in 2024.

“I challenged the team to finish another batch by the end of next year. EPE, ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) and ONS (National System Operator) will be fundamental to this”, said Silveira. 

Broadcast Auctions

To date, the Federal Government has held only one energy transmission auction in 2023. The event took place in June, when 9 lots were auctioned. On this occasion, R$ 15.7 billion in investments were raised. 

O second auction is scheduled for December 15th, with a forecast of R$ 21.7 billion in investments in the construction and operation of transmission lines and power substations.

In August this year, ANEEL approved the opening of a public consultation to discuss the holding of the 3rd energy auction, with the aim of holding it at the beginning of 2024. For the event, an estimated R$ 20.5 billion in investments.

The possible 4th energy auction does not have any more information about its holding other than what was announced by Silveira. 

New president of EPE

Thiago Prado was elected on September 15th, at the 246th meeting of the EPE Board of Directors. He has a PhD in Electrical Engineering and is part of ANEEL's permanent staff.

EPE terá diretoria de transição energética e avaliará novo leilão de transmissão
Thiago Prado, new president of EPE. Photo: MME/Disclosure

Throughout his career, he held positions at the MME (Ministry of Mines and Energy), SEN (Energy Secretariat), Eletronorte (Centrais Elétricas do Norte) and Ibama (Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Resources).

Before receiving the invitation to assume the presidency of EPE, he held the position of director of Dpoti (Department of Electricity Transmission and Distribution Grants and International Interconnections) at MME.

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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