Equatorial will invest almost R$ 10 million in energy efficiency in GO

13 works will be delivered, which will represent savings of R$ 4.3 million on the electricity bill
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Solar cell. Photo: Pixabay

Equatorial Goiás will invest R$ 9.8 million this year in energy efficiency actions in the State. 13 works will be delivered, which will represent a saving of 7,050 MWh/year on the electricity bill or R$ 4.3 million.

The project in Ipasgo (Goiás Public Servants Assistance Institute) foresees the replacement of around 570 luminaires with LED lighting, which is more economical, efficient and lasts up to 10 times longer than conventional lighting, and the construction of an 80 KWp photovoltaic plant, with 170 panels.

The work began this month and is expected to be completed at the end of the year. The person responsible for the energy efficiency project at Equatorial Goiás, Adriano Faria, explains that the project will guarantee significant savings on the state agency's energy bill.

“The forecast is approximately 300 MWh/year, which would be enough, for example, to supply around 155 homes for a year. In reais, this represents a saving on the electricity bill of approximately R$ 120 thousand annually,” he said.

In April, Equatorial Goiás delivered its first energy efficiency project in the State, in the Federal Revenue building, in Goiânia, where around R$ 860 thousand were invested in the exchange of more than 5 thousand lamps and luminaires, in addition to the exchange of six equipment air conditioning and the implementation of a photovoltaic generation system with 156 modules.

In the same month, the distributor inaugurated the construction of the Copesp (Special Operations Command), with an investment of R$ 1.2 million in replacing more than 5 thousand light bulbs and 46 air conditioning equipment, in addition to installing a photovoltaic plant.

Also in the first half of the year, public lighting projects for the city halls of Águas Lindas, Cidade Oeste, Cumari, Itumbiara and Novo Gama were delivered. Together, the seven works already delivered by the company from January to June 2023 total around R$ 5.7 million.

Future projects

This year, the completion of a photovoltaic plant at the headquarters of Emater (Goiana Agency for Technical Assistance, Rural Extension, and Agricultural Research), the replacement of lighting fixtures in the cities of Goiânia, Ipameri, Luziânia and Rio Verde and the project for Ipasgo, totaling an investment of R$ 4.1 million in the second half.

The projects are financed with resources from the PEE (Energy Efficiency Program), from ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency), and are selected in a public call for financing projects focused on efficient consumption of electrical energy. Equatorial Goiás plans to open a new notice in this second semester.

Picture of Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire is a journalist graduated from FMU. He worked as a reporter for Jornal da Energia, Canal Energia and Agência Estado. He has covered the electricity sector since 2011. He has experience in covering events, such as energy auctions, conventions, lectures, fairs, congresses and seminars.

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