Choosing higher capacity transformers becomes common practice

Industrial Director at Minuzzi reports that there has been an increase in the use of transformers in PV plants with powers greater than 100 kW
Energia Solar Canal Solar Escolha de transformadores de maior capacidade torna-se prática comum
Transformers are fundamental parts in solar energy projects. Image: Minuzzi/Reproduction

Traditionally, lower power transformers were prevalent in conventional electrical installations. However, in the last 12 months, there has been a significant change in the scenario of photovoltaic systems, especially those with powers greater than 100 kW, where the choice of transformers in greater capacity has became common practice.

This is the analysis of José Roberto Minuzi Junior, Industrial director from the Minuzzi. According to him, a determining factor for this transition is the presence of reduced power inverters that already offer the option of 220 V output.

“Inverters with a capacity of up to 75 kW generally meet the needs of small and medium-sized residential and commercial systems. As a consequence, in larger-scale photovoltaic plants, efficiency is maximized when using transformers and autotransformers with higher powers”, he highlighted.

According to the executive, among the products on the market with such characteristics are, for example, Minuzzi transformers and autotransformers above 300 kVA.

Such equipment has low induction flow, resulting in low losses and lower no-load current. In practice, the company stated that the photovoltaic generation system will have better performance and lower consumption when the project is operating empty or with little load.

Furthermore, the company highlighted that the products support variations in voltage and working conditions resulting from the switching of the converters; have an insulation level of 1100 V; have moisture-proof insulation to withstand high temperatures; and high purity conductors (Aluminum or Copper).

Differences between transformer and autotransformer

The transformer is an electrical equipment, composed of two separate windings, which results in galvanic isolation, and can be used in different ways and connection groups/angular displacements, such as the application of electrostatic shielding between windings.

Electrostatic shielding can be applied to both transformers and autotransformers. The main difference between the two is galvanic isolation.

Differences between autotransformer and isolating transformer for use in system

Transformers are fundamental parts in solar energy projects, as they are responsible for transforming the voltage generated by the panels into a voltage suitable for use by electrical equipment in a home or business.

The autotransformer is an electrical equipment, composed of just one winding, where the primary and secondary are unified, that is, there is no galvanic isolation.

Both transformers and autotransformers are fundamental in solar energy projects, as they are the equipment responsible for transforming the electrical voltage value – alternating current side – of the inverters to levels suitable for the electrical installation to which they will be connected.

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Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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