Esfera Energia acquires Norten to boost DG market

Company starts investing in distributed generation and expects to reach more than 200 thousand UCs in 2024
01-09-21-canal-solar-Esfera Energia adquire Norten para impulsionar mercado de GD

Esfera Energia, which operates on Mercado Livre, announced the acquisition of Norten Energia, a DG (distributed generation) company from Minas Gerais. The objective is to launch a project on the market this year so that consumers have the freedom to choose their energy source.  

According to the companies, the reduction in electricity costs is up to 16%, without the need for any type of loyalty or investment. “Our project in partnership with Norten aims to give people autonomy so they can choose the type of energy. It is an innovation program combined with financial savings, socio-environmental awareness and sustainability”, highlighted Braz Justi, CEO of Esfera. 

How it works?

The generators will distribute their electricity on the Esfera platform, which will be responsible for connecting them with end consumers. According to the company, GD's main differentiators are its sources, which must be renewable, and the proximity of generators to consumers. 

“These factors are important to reduce transmission costs and the environmental impacts inherent to centralized generation. GD encourages the use of clean and alternative sources, making generation more environmentally friendly”, highlighted Justi.

The project will begin later this year, but with an official launch in 2022. “In just three years, we expect to reach more than 200 thousand UCs (consumer units)”, said Márcio Nogueira, CEO of Norten.

“We want to create innovative solutions for consumers. Our biggest concern is the journey and experience of these customers within GD, but we also want to guarantee benefits in the generator's journey, thus providing sustainable and growing modeling”, he concluded.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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