Esfera Solar launches BU Usinas in partnership with Canadian and Canal Solar

Action also includes specific ground structures alternating guarantee, isopleth and project, in addition to solutions for medium voltage
3 minute(s) of reading
15-06-23-canal-solar-Esfera Solar lança BU Usinas em parceria com Canadian e Canal Solar
New business unit offers a complete package of solutions for integrators. Photo: Roberto Barbosa Cardillo

At the moment, one of the main risks for anyone investing in a solar energy project and for those who build photovoltaic plants, the project does not deliver the energy that was proposed due to problems that may arise due to a defect in the installation.

With the aim of minimize this type of risk for those who invest in solar, the distributor of photovoltaic generators Solar Sphere announced the launch of BU Usinas, in partnership with the manufacturer of inverters and modules Canadian Solar It is like Solar Channel.

According to Ball, O The focus of the new business unit is to operate in the medium-sized project market (1 MW to 5 MW), offering a complete package of solutions for integrators such as modules, inverters, structure, medium voltage and engineering support for integrators. 

Bruno Kikumoto, CEO of Solar Channel, says that the partnership with Esfera meets the mission of bringing knowledge to people. “We also want to bring knowledge to projects through our expertise and our participation as consultants in photovoltaic plant projects, both in distributed generation and centralized generation.”

“The idea is to work together with the integrators who are installing these plants, as technical support, with our experience and our experience in the market”, he highlights.

The executive also reports that the project consultancy team at the Solar Channel has been very active in resolving problems in systems, which could have been easily avoided if good engineering concepts and standards were respected.

“Our role is to anticipate problems that integrators' projects may have and ensure that they are not carried out in the field. Act proactively so that problems do not occur and projects are delivered with excellence”, he concludes.

Alexandre Borin, LATAM director for Distributed Generation at Canadian Solar, is quite optimistic about the project. “Esfera can bring agility and competitiveness to this size of project, adding solutions for integrators who can find the entire plant solution from a single supplier, facilitating the organization of the schedule for receiving materials and relying on excellent quality products.”

Eduardo Villas Boas, CEO of Esfera, states that the launch of the BU is in line with the company's maturation in the market, which completed two years in March this year.

“Esfera was born with a lot of market knowledge. It invests a lot in technology (CRM, ERP, WMS) to overcome the challenges of industrialization in a market as competitive as this and in personnel to serve partners in the best possible way”, he comments.

“Last year we made some spot sales of plants of this size, always in partnership with Canadian. With the launch of a structured BU, we aim to greatly increase the scope of these negotiations and provide the integrators of these projects with many more alternatives”, he concludes.

To contact BU Usinas directly, the integrator can send an email to [email protected] and will be directed to a consultant at the new unit.

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

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