Bus station uses thin film modules to capture energy

Flexible photovoltaic modules were installed at the UFMG tube station, in Belo Horizonte (MG)
10-09-21-canal-solar-Estação de ônibus utiliza módulos de filme fino para captação de energia
Photo: publicity / L8 Energy

The municipality of Belo Horizonte (MG) continues to invest in renewable sources. This is because the city hall signed a PPP (Public Private Partnership) with the L8 Energy for the installation of solar modules at the UFMG tube station (Federal University of Minas Gerais).

During one week of operation, the system, which will cover all site operations, produced a total of 177 kWh. The expectation is that the plant will serve as a pilot for subsequent adoption in other parts of the city.

According to L8 Energy, which supplied the equipment, solar energy capture is done using 56 125 W thin film modules, which weigh 1.98 kg each.

“Because it is flexible, the thin film module allows numerous applications that are not possible in installations with common panels. An example of this are structures that have some type of curvature. With this, it is possible to preserve the shape of a building, making flexible thin film a more interesting option,” he said. Weliton Maia, engineer at L8.

This type of application is known as BIPV (Building Integrated Photovoltaics), where photovoltaic modules are integrated with the construction, making it more sustainable while respecting the form and function of the building.

Belo Horizonte bus station is equipped with thin film panels. Image: disclosure/L8 Energy

“This is a pilot project in the city of Belo Horizonte and I believe it will serve as an example for the entire country. BHTrans will bring many benefits with this installation, both environmentally, generating totally renewable energy and also financial, saving on the station's electricity bill”, highlighted Maia. 

The expert also recalled that projects like this are common in Europe and China and the use of this technology in Brazil should become increasingly common and accessible. 

Read too

'BIPV is the fastest growing market in the world', says expert

“Technically it was a very interesting project. We do not use conventional modules. The thin film one is fixed to any surface using adhesive, which expands the possibilities for installing the plates”, commented Roberto da Costa, engineer at Solares Energia Fotovoltaica, the integrator company that installed the project coordinated by L8 Energy.

Thin Film Webinar

Canal Solar will hold, next Tuesday (14), at 5pm, a webinar that will analyze a real case of a photovoltaic generator with thin film solar modules. The content will be taught by experts from L8 Energy. Click here and sign up.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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