Vitória-ES Stadium receives installation of solar plant

System has 61 photovoltaic modules; Expected savings are more than R$ 38 thousand annually
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Panels were installed on the roof of the stands. Photo: Hawking Solar Energy/Disclosure

Take care of your assets and save sustainably. This is being the Vitória-ES motto, which invested in the construction of a 33.24 kWp solar plant for the Salvador Costa stadium, located in the city of Bento Ferreira (ES)

According to Hawking Energia Solar, the company responsible for the project, the club will save more than R$ 38 thousand annually. In total, 61 ERA Solar modules were used, installed on the roof of the stands, and two Growatt inverters.

According to the company, in a 25-year projection, 583 trees will be saved and 178.27 tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) will be avoided.

Foto: Hawking Energia Solar/Divulgação
Photo: Hawking Solar Energy/Disclosure

Below are more details of the project:

  • Equipment distribution: Fortlev Solar;
  • Monthly energy generation: 3,856 kWh;
  • Annual energy generation: 46,272 kWh;
  • 61 545 W monocrystalline photovoltaic modules from ERA Solar;
  • 1 Growatt MID20KTL3-XL-220V-4MPPT inverter;
  • 1 Growatt MIN10000TL-X-220V-3MPPT inverter.

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