States with the best performances in solar DG have already generated more than 386 thousand jobs

ABSOLAR data takes into account the volume of hiring carried out since the beginning of the expansion of the segment in Brazil
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Estados com melhores desempenhos em GD solar já geraram mais de 386 mil empregos
Photo: Freepik

The companies of solar energy operating in the segment of distributed micro and minigeneration were already responsible for creation of more than 386 thousand jobs in São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Sul, Paraná and Mato Grosso.

You data are from ABSOLATE (Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association) and take into account the volume of hires made since 2012, when the expansion of DG (distributed generation) began in Brazil from the Resolution 482

During this period, the segment also accumulated R$ 65.4 billion in new investments and more than R$ 14 billion in revenue for public coffers in five federative units, which today are those with the largest volumes of installed power in solar DG, as shown in the image below: 

Potência instalada por estado (GW)
Installed power of solar DG by state in GW. Source: ANEEL

For the CEO of ABSOLAR, Rodrigo Sauaia, the growth of own generation of solar energy in states such as São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Sul, Paraná and Mato Grosso strengthens: sustainability; Brazil's international protagonism; relieves family budgets and increases the competitiveness of national productive sectors.

“The solar source is a lever for the country’s development. In particular, we have an immense opportunity to use technology in social programs, such as popular housing programs My home, my life, in the universalization of access to electrical energy through the program Light for All, as well as its use in public buildings, such as schools, hospitals, health centers, police stations, among others, helping to reduce government spending on electricity so that they have more resources to invest in health, education and other societal priorities ”, he stated. 

São Paulo

According to data from ABSOLAR and ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency), the state of São Paulo is the major player in the production of solar energy, with around 3.4 GW in operation in homes, businesses, industries, rural properties and public buildings.

In total, the region has more than 361 thousand operational connections, spread across 645 municipalities, or 100% of the municipalities of São Paulo. Currently, there are just over 422 thousand consumers who already have a reduction in their electricity bill. 

Since 2012, its own generation of solar energy has provided São Paulo with the attraction of R$ 16.7 billion in investments, generating more than 99.3 thousand jobs and the collection of R$ 3.9 billion to public coffers.

Minas Gerais

Minas Gerais is the second Brazilian state with the highest installed power in solar DG, with 3.34 GW and more than 266 thousand connections in operation in all 853 cities in the region. Currently, there are more than 645 thousand consumers who already have a reduction in their electricity bill. 

In total, the state's own generation of solar energy has already attracted R$ 16.8 billion in investments, generating more than 98.7 thousand jobssea collection of R$ 2.8 billion to public coffers.

“Despite the state’s sunny history, the future seems cloudy on Minas Gerais soil. This is due to the problems that thousands of consumers have faced in being able to connect their micro and mini plants to Cemig's distribution network”, highlights ABSOLAR.

Rio Grande do Sul

Rio Grande do Sul is the third Brazilian state with the highest installed power in solar DG. The region recently surpassed the 2.56 GW in operation in homes, businesses, industries, rural properties and public buildings.

In total, the state has more than 286 thousand operational connections, spread across 497 municipalities, or 100% of the 497 municipalities in the region. Currently, there are more than 388 thousand consumers who already have a reduction in their electricity bill. 

Since 2012, the generation of solar energy has already provided municipalities in Rio Grande do Sul with the attraction of R$ 13.1 billion in investments, generation of 75.6 thousand jobs and the collection of R$ 3.2 billion to public coffers.

However, ABSOLAR warns about a problem that has been occurring in the state. “Some electricity distributors have failed to comply with the legal rules for requests for connection of photovoltaic systems in distributed generation, stopping this process, due to the argument of inverting flow in the network”, informs the entity.  


The state of Paraná has 2.38 GW of solar energy in operation in the DG segment, being the fourth state with the highest volume of installed power in Brazil. 

The region has also attracted around R$ 11.7 billion in investments for distributed micro and mini generation projects, in addition to generating more than 70 thousand jobs and the collection of R$ 2.7 billion to public coffers.

The territory of Paraná has more than 187 thousand connections operational areas spread across all of its 399 municipalities. Currently, there are more than 259 thousand consumers who already have a reduction in their electricity bill. 

“The state of Paraná, however, is the only one in the country with taxation that harms the advancement of solar energy in the region”, points out ABSOLAR. 

In the entity's view, the Paraná government needs to equate the state with the ICMS (Tax on Circulation of Goods and Services) incentive already granted by all other Brazilian states. 

“Paraná is the only state that limits the ICMS exemption for solar energy and other renewable sources to up to 48 months, according to ICMS Agreement No. 16/2015, of CONFAZ (National Council for Financial Policy)”. 

Mato Grosso

The state of Mato Grosso currently records more than 1.49 GW of installed power in own solar energy generation. In total, there are more than 103 thousand connections operational in all 141 cities in the region, which provides a reduction in electricity bills for more than 119 thousand consumers.  

The installed power in solar DG in the region places the state in fifth place in the ABSOLAR national ranking. Since 2012, the sport has provided Mato Grosso with the attraction of R$ 7.1 billion in investments, generating more than 43 thousand jobs and the collection of R$ 1.6 billion to public coffers.

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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