Ten states already exceed 1 GW in distributed solar generation

Investments accumulated by the photovoltaic source in the segment in these locations already exceed R$ 107 billion
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Dez estados já superam 1 GW em geração solar distribuída
Solar energy system installed in a residence. Photo: Flex Solar/Reproduction

O Brazil already have ten states with more than 1 GW of installed power in solar energy in the distributed micro and minigeneration, according to mapping released this week to the press by Solar Portal.

According to the survey, the investments made by residential, business and rural consumers already total more than R$ 107 billion in these regions since the beginning of the expansion of the sport in the country.

O The state of São Paulo leads the ranking, with 4 GW installed by consumers and more than R$ 20 billion of investment, followed by Minas Gerais, with 3.8 GW and R$ 19.6 billion, and Rio Grande do Sul, with 2.8 GW and R$ 14.5 billion .

Following are Paraná, with 2.7 GW and R$ 13.3 billion contributions, Mato Grosso, with 1.8 GW and R$ 8.7 billion, Santa Catarina, with 1.4 GW R$ 7.2 billion, and Goiás, with 1.3 GW and R$ 6.4 billion (see ranking below).

Altogether, the accumulated investments in the ten states with more than 1 GW represent around 75% of total contributions in own generation of solar energy throughout Brazil, which reaches R$ 142.5 billion.

O study was prepared based on official reports from the ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) and from ABSOLATE (Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association).  

For Rodolfo Meyer, CEO of Portal Solar, the use of solar energy in homes, businesses and rural properties It is highly advantageous in all regions, as it represents the main alternative for reducing electricity costs, in addition to shielding the consumer against energy inflation.

“Brazil is privileged with one of the best solar resources on the planet and the growth of solar energy in the country follows a global trend of energy transition from clean and competitive sources,” he said.

According to the executive, a determining factor for the growth in the use of photovoltaic technology in the country has been the high attractiveness and high return on investment, as the price of solar kits has fallen drastically, in addition to the “great facilities for contracting equipment financing”. 

Source: Solar Portal

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Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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