Climatempo will hold an event on the future of the energy sector

Workshop, online and free, will discuss sustainability and climate change

O Climatempo Energy will hold an online workshop on the energy transition and the future of the energy sector. This first edition will be held on September 28th and 29th, starting at 7pm and will address topics related to sustainability, changes climate It is new technologies.

The conference will be free, online and will feature technical debates with experts from the energy sector. Some topics will be covered at the event, such as energy transition, green hydrogen, Bill 414, carbon credits and other technologies.

The main objective of the workshop is to exchange knowledge It is experiences Based on future perspectives on the energy sector, check out the schedule:

  1. History of Electricity Generation in Brazil;
  2. Solar Energy and Energy Storage;
  3. Growth of the wind and solar array in recent years;
  4. Impact of Climate Change on the energy sector;
  5. Start of offshore wind operations in Brazil, the big bet?
  6. Brazilian energy sector compared to developed countries;
  7. History of COPs and main global decarbonization milestones;
  8. Carbon Credit Obtaining Process;
  9. ESG in the energy sector;
  10. The importance and challenges of Green Hydrogen;
  11. PL 414 and modernization of the sector;
  12. What opportunities for professionals in the coming years?

To conduct the lectures, names expressive in the sector of energy, such as Patricia Madeira, CCO of the Climatempo group, Vitor Hassan, head of Energy at the Climatempo group, Riomar Merino, specialist in Regulation at ABEEólica, Bruno Kikumoto, director of Canal Solar, Sergio Antezana, superintendent of the Energy Transmission concessionaire, Guilherme Amaral, Innovation specialist at ISA CTEEP, Pedro Regoto, specialist in Climate Change at the Climatempo group, Felipe Viana, Sales director at Carbonext, Lindemberg Reis, Planning and Market Intelligence manager at ABRADEE, Guilherme Arantes, manager of the Energy area at BNDES and also Silla Motta, consultancy and solutions in Renewable Energy.


When: September 28th and 29th;


Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Redação do Canal Solar
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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