Event debates democratization of solar and impact of Law 14,300

2nd Franchisee Convention, promoted by Energy Brasil, attended by more than 500 people
16-02-23-canal-solar-Evento debate democratização da solar e impacto da Lei 14.300
Bárbara Rubim, vice-president of ABSOLAR, during the 2nd Franchisee Convention, of Energy Brasil. Photo: Reproduction

A Energy Brazil held, at the beginning of February, the 2nd Franchisees Convention, in São José do Rio Preto (SP). In total, more than 500 people were present, including franchisees, partners and sector authorities.

During the two-day event, guests were able to attend classes and lectures from the main companies in the photovoltaic market, such as: Elgin Group, WEG Solar, Renew, GE, ABGD, ABSOLATE, between others.

In total they were more than 15 speakers that enriched the debate on the use and democratization of solar energy in the country, in addition to talking about the Law 14,300.

During the meeting, Túlio Fonseca, CEO and founder of Energy Brasil, announced revenues of over R$ 180 million last year. “In 2022, we took a big step, increasing our revenue by more than 100%. For this year, our goal is to double everything we did in 2022.”

One of the most anticipated moments by the public was the talk by Rick Chesther, businessman, digital influencer and author of three best-selling books. In the lecture, the guest spoke with franchisees about the importance of persisting and following your dreams.

Bárbara Rubim, vice-president of ABSOLAR, spoke about the importance of Law 14,300 “The solar energy sector is the fastest growing in Brazil and in the world, and it continued to grow even while we were facing an economic recession in the middle of the pandemic”.

“The whole event went beyond my expectations” commented Guilherme Chrispim, president of ABGD). For him, Energy Brasil, even though it is a new company, shows solid sales strategy and has a great future ahead of it. “I have no doubt that Energy will evolve a lot in this market, which is ascending and has grown year after year,” he stated.

Marcelo Macri, director of expansion at Energy Brasil, also spoke about the importance that the two days of convention had for the franchisees and partners who participated. “We are happy with the post-convention result. We feel that the public left here taking with them important lessons about one of the fastest growing markets in Brazil, solar energy.”

“The participation of market speakers brought great relevance to the event and showed how seriously we take this issue. I am sure that this event and all the discussions further increased our credibility with partners, franchisees and the market”, he concluded.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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