Yellow army invades Brasília to defend photovoltaic solar energy

For a few long minutes the crowd remained in the dark, in what seemed to be an attempt to extinguish the movement of solar energy.

An army of helmets and yellow shirts invaded Brasília on 11/07/2019, on what became known as the “D” day of the photovoltaic solar energy sector in Brazil. Although it may not have reached sufficient proportions to enter the history books of Brazil, the peaceful uprising will certainly remain in the memory of those who follow the struggle to consolidate the photovoltaic solar energy market in the country.

Instead of “black blocks”, without riots, professionals, businesspeople and members of entities that defend the solar sector, such as ABSOLAR (Brazilian Solar Energy Association) and ABGD (Brazilian Association of Distributed Generation), filled lawns and streets from Brasília in search of attention against the much talked about “taxation of the Sun”.

An army of yellow shirts and helmets invaded Brasilia in a move to defend photovoltaic solar energy in the country.

Although there is in fact no taxation of the Sun, the slogan adopted by the movement opposes the proposal by ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) to charge distributed generators for the use of the electrical grid, which could discourage the generation of electrical energy at from photovoltaic solar panels in the country, harming a sector that provides environmental, social and economic benefits for Brazil.

The beginning of day “D” was marked by the holding of ANEEL public hearing 040/2019, called by the agency with the aim of “obtaining subsidies and additional information regarding the rules applicable to distributed micro and mini generation for the preparation of the draft text to Normative Resolution No. 482/2012 and section 3.7 of Module 3 of the Electric Energy Distribution Procedures in the National Electric System (PRODIST)”, according to information from ANEEL itself.


At the hearing, ANEEL's governing body sat at a table in front of the Army Club pavilion in Brasília. Solar sector entities organized bus caravans from all over Brazil, which filled the pavilion with around 800 participants.

A pulpit was set up at the site and served as a platform for some fiery speeches in defense of solar energy. The speeches, mostly technical, did not capture the attention of the board of directors, who listened to the speeches with some disdain, according to people who were present.

The public hearing was marked by two electricity outages in the morning and early afternoon, as reported firsthand by the Solar Channel in the matter “Blackout frustrates ANEEL public hearing“.

For a few long minutes the crowd remained in the dark, in what seemed to be an attempt to extinguish the movement of solar energy. It was probably all just an unfortunate coincidence, but the picturesque fact left an indelible mark on the event.

In addition to the lack of electricity at an event promoted by the National Electric Energy Agency, two other facts were reported by the Solar Channel: absence of live transmission, as is usual for the agency's events, and the agency's statement about the fact that it did not receive contributions from society for the hearing 040/2019.

Many strange coincidences in a hearing that was decisive for the survival of the photovoltaic solar energy sector in Brazil.

In the end, the yellow shirts and helmets movement was a success and managed to attract the attention of the political class. A very impactful speech in defense of solar energy was given by Senator Major Olímpio (from the PSDB/PSL-SP parliamentary bloc) during the hearing. And at the end of the day, a statement by President Jair Bolsonaro, published on social media, referred to the event in a positive way, implying that the Executive Branch will commit its forces to accept the demands of the solar sector.

President Jair Bolsonaro spoke about solar energy and the “taxation of the Sun” in his live broadcast at the end of Thursday, 11/07/2019.

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Canal Solar editorial team
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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